lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

David Ganz, "Scribes and Patrons in Latin Manuscripts Before 800".

David Ganz, "Scribes and Patrons in Latin Manuscripts Before 800" (10 December, 2012)
Leiden University Library, 3-4 pm

This lecture will examine the evidence for the copying of manuscripts to be found in the earliest Latin books, and in the colophons copied from earlier manuscripts in the Carolingian age. Scribes not only copied books, they collated them, though it is not always clear what that process involved. Were these scribes professionals or amateurs? What evidence do we have for a book trade in Late Antiquity? The evidence of surviving manuscripts supplements the evidence of texts, and shows ways in which classical and patristic texts were studied in the early middle ages.

David Ganz is emeritus professor of palaeography and is a specialist of Carolingian manuscripts and their production. His lecture will be accompanied by a display of relevant manuscripts from Leiden collections.

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