miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

Workshop “Historical Documents in the Digital Age”.

Workshop “Historical Documents in the Digital Age”, 
25th-26th october 2012 – University of Rouen


The aim of the Workshop is to bring together those whose professional work involves the study of historical documents or who have a responsibility for increasing their accessibility, with technologists developing techniques to support the analysis and management of digital documents. The Workshop will encourage a greater understanding of how these two communities can work productively together and how crossing the traditional disciplinary boundaries can create opportunities for supporting better historical research while also increasing the general public ‘s awareness of their rich cultural heritage.

This workshop should be interesting for:
* Historians and others interested in sharing their experiences of document analysis with scientists developing computer-based tools to support such activities.
* Those who have a responsibility for preserving and managing historical documents and making them available both to specialists using them for research and detailed study, and the general public seeking to benefit from the rich cultural legacy embodied by such documents.
* Scientists and engineers developing advanced technologies in areas such as image processing, pattern recognition and digital media engineering relevant to document analysis.

The workshop will provide an opportunity for a diverse range of researchers and other professionals, including end users, to share experiences and explore ideas at the crossroads of traditional disciplinary boundaries, otherwise barriers to rapid progress in improving the accessibility of documents which can contribute so fundamentally to an understanding of our cultural heritage.

For each session of the workshop, we invited european specialists of the field to share their experience of the domain, as an opening for an open debate with all attendants. The workshop is opened to all, we only require those wishing to attend to freely register on the website starting September 15th in order to manage the logistical constraints of the venue. The languages of the workshop will be French and English, with simultaneous translation provided.

Session 1: Libraries and archives in the Digital Age
Session 2: Digital tools for annotating and indexing
Session 3: Digital paleography
Session 4: ICT in Cultural Heritage
Session 5: Digital Humanities: present and future

**Invited speakers
* Mathieu Bonicel, BNF.
* Thierry Claerr, Ministère de la Culture.
* Véronique Eglin, LIRIS.
* Oliver Hitchcock, VirtuaSENSE.
* Clive Izard, British Library.
* Franck Lebourgeois, LIRIS.
* Jean-François Moufflet, Archives de France.
* Marçal Rusiñol, Centre de Visió per Computador Barcelona
* Marc Smith, École des Chartes.
* Dominique Stutzmann, IRHT
* Melissa Terras, University College London
* Clotilde Vaissaire-Agard, CF2ID
* Alison Wiggins, University of Glasgow.

**Organizing committee
The workshop is organized by the InterReg IVa DocExplore project, a collaboration between computer scientists, historians and archivists, on both sides of the Channel, to build a software suite. This suite is aimed at both historians and librarians, providing transcription and multimedia annotation functionalities, from which interactive books can be produced to reach a broader audience.

Source: DM

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