jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

Conferencia: "La ley “iluminada”. Del texto a la imagen en los manuscritos jurídicos iluminados".

Ens plau anunciar-vos que el proper divendres, dia 3 de febrer, a les 11:30h., se celebrarà la taula de debat, organitzada pel Departament de Ciències Històriques – Estudis Medievals de la Institució Milà i Fontanals (CSIC, Barcelona), en què la Dra. Marta Pavón Ramírez (Fédération Internationale des Instituts d’Études Médiévales, Roma) impartirà la conferència titulada La ley “iluminada”. Del texto a la imagen en los manuscritos jurídicos iluminados.

La sessió tindrà lloc a la Sala d’actes de la Delegació del CSIC a Catalunya (c/ Egipcíaques, 15, Barcelona).


Novedad editorial: Lloyd-Morgan, C. "An Index of Images in English Manuscripts from Chaucer to Henry VIII ".

An Index of Images in English Manuscripts from Chaucer to Henry VIII.
Welsh Manuscripts and English Manuscripts in Wales

C. Lloyd-Morgan

This is the sixth volume in a continuing series of publications listing and identifying all illustrations contained in English manuscripts from the time of Chaucer to Henry VIII. This was an important period in the history of book production in Britain, and the range of subject-matter illustrated is of significance to historians of art, religion, literature, costume, natural science, and social custom. The present volume extends the survey to Wales and catalogues not only English manuscripts in Welsh collections but also Welsh manuscripts, including those held outside Wales. The catalogue contains entries for 128 manuscripts and notes the subject-matter of every illustration in each manuscript, from full-page miniatures and historiated initials to marginalia, added drawings and nota bene signs. A comprehensive index of pictorial subjects provides readers with complete references to the visual material with thematic groupings making the following categories easily accessible: animals, architecture, birds, Christ, containers, costume, furniture, kings, musical instruments, occupations/professions, plants, saints, tools, Virgin Mary, weapons, and women. The volume also inclids a user’s guide, an extensive glossary of subjects and terms, including Welsh terms, and indexes of authors/texts and of manuscripts with coats of arms.

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Novedad editorial: VV.AA. "Medieval Manuscripts, Their Makers and Users".

Medieval Manuscripts, Their Makers and Users
A Special Issue of Viator in Honor of Richard and Mary Rouse.
Turnhout Brepols Publishers.

The patronage, making, preservation, and use of medieval manuscripts across cultures and across the centuries: essays by eminent scholars in the field of manuscript studies.

The essays in this collection pertain to art history, medieval Latin culture both ecclesiastic and legal, the history of vernacular literatures, and the devotional practices of the laity. They reflect the patronage of authors and manuscript painters, from the royal through the monastic to the urban middle class, and they trace the sometimes astonishing afterlife of manuscripts. The subject matter of these studies ranges chronologically from late antiquity to the later Middle Ages, adding the emergent medievalism of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Its geographic breadth extends through the major Western cultures and literatures, from England to Italy, Germany, and France. Its wide range in time and space reflects the lifetime of manuscript research, teaching, and collecting by its honorees, Richard and Mary Rouse.

A particular emphasis distinguishes this volume from other such collections: its stress on the use, and usefulness, of medieval manuscripts in the teaching of most historical disciplines in Western culture, from the broad undergraduate survey (of art, literature, history) to the specialized graduate seminar. In the last half century, public colleges and universities have increasingly appreciated the pedagogical opportunities inherent in building, through gift and purchase, collections of medieval manuscripts, formerly thought to be the province only of wealthy private schools. No similar collection of manuscript studies exhibits so clearly the role of medieval manuscripts in teaching.

The specialist authors represented in this volume have displayed, over the whole of their careers, an ability to combine the highest caliber of research with an eagerness to make their subject accessible to others through teaching and writing and public lectures. The essays offer the results of new and sometimes technical research, set forth in a manner intelligible not only to the expert but to the interested amateur.

Table of Contents


Keith Busby, “Text and Image in the Getty Tristan, Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum, MS Ludwig XV, 5”
Anne D. Hedeman, “Laurent de Premierfait and the Visualization of Antiquity”
Susan L’Engle, “The Pro-active Reader: Learning to Learn the Law”
Elizabeth Morrison, “Linking Ancient Troy and Medieval France: Illuminations of an Early Copy of the Roman de Troie”


François Avril, “Jean le Noir et Saint-Martin-des-Champs”
François Dolbeau, “La bibliothèque des Dominicains de Bâle au XVe siècle: fragment inédit d'un catalogue alphabétique”
Bonnie Effros, “Writing History from Manuscript and Artifact: Building an Object-Based Narrative of the Middle Ages in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century France”
Stacey Graham, “The Transmission of North African Texts to Europe in Late Antiquity”
Laura Light, “Non-biblical Texts in Thirteenth-Century Bibles”
Patricia Stirnemann, “Private Libraries Privately Made”


A. I. Doyle, “William Darker: the Work of an English Carthusian Scribe”
Ralph Hanna, “Dan Michel of Northgate and His Books”
Anne Hudson, “Books and Their Survival: the Case of English Manuscripts of Wyclif’s Latin Works”
Margaret Lamont, “‘Genealogical’ History and the English Roll”


Carrie E. Beneš, “Noble & Most Ancient: Catalogues of City Foundation in Fourteenth-Century Italy”
Peter Kidd, “UCLA Rouse MS 32: The Provenance of a Dismembered Italian Illuminated Book of Hours Illuminated by the Master of the Brussels Initials”


Sandra Hindman, “The Richard and Mary Rouse Collection of Medieval Manuscripts at the University of California, Los Angeles”
Bibliography of Richard H. Rouse and Mary A. Rouse

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Congreso: "Insular Books: Vernacular Miscellanies in Late Medieval Britain".

* Call for papers *

Insular Books:
Vernacular Miscellanies in Late Medieval Britain

The British Academy, 21-23 June 2012
Organizers: Dr Raluca Radulescu (Bangor University: r.radulescu@bangor.ac.uk), and Dr Margaret Connolly (University of St Andrews; mc29@st-andrews.ac.uk).

Funded and hosted by the British Academy, this conference brings a new and multi-disciplinary focus to the late medieval miscellany, a little-investigated and poorly understood type of manuscript. The main aim of the conference is to foster academic interest in vernacular manuscript miscellanies from the period 1300-1550 written in a mixture of medieval languages (English, Anglo-Norman, Welsh, Scots). Attention will be paid to the interactions between literary and non-literary texts in miscellanies, and to evidence of exchange between different communities, including dialogue across the Welsh and Scottish borders. A main objective is to achieve agreement in the area of taxonomy; at present there is no agreed definition of the medieval miscellany, which is treated variously by specialists in different disciplines and by cataloguers. The discussion will thus address four main inter-related concerns:
•how to achieve a definition for the miscellany which distinguishes it from other mixed-content manuscripts (anthologies, collections, composite volumes);
•how to make manuscript miscellanies and their textual contents accessible to modern readers, including scholars, students, archivists, and general readers;
•how to develop a coherent scholarly methodology for dealing with volumes whose contents are intrinsically multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary;
•how to understand and represent the complex relationships between manuscript miscellanies.

The list of confirmed speakers includes: Prof. Derek Pearsall, Dr Ceridwen Lloyd-Morgan (Universities of Cardiff and Bangor), Prof. Wendy Scase (University of Birmingham), Dr Helen Deeming (Royal Holloway, University of London), Prof. Ad Putter (University of Bristol), Prof. Diane Watt (Surrey University), Dr Sue Niebrzydowski (Bangor University), Dr Phillipa Hardman (University of Reading), Dr Marianne Ailes (University of Bristol), Dr Tony Hunt (St Peter’s College, Oxford), Dr Dafydd Johnston (Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, Aberystwyth), Dr Anne Parry (Aberystwyth University), Dr Sara Elin Roberts (Bangor University), Dr William Marx (University of Wales, Trinity St David’s), Dr Carrie Griffin (Queen Mary University of London), Dr Andrew Taylor (Ottawa University), Dr Carol Meale (University of Bristol), Dr Deborah Youngs (Swansea University), Dr Katherine Olson (Bangor University), as well as the two co-organizers.

Proposals for 20-minute papers that focus on any of the four areas of interest outlined above are welcomed. Although the original deadline was 31 December, 2011, the organizers would still be sympathetic to expressions of interest in January 2012. Please send an abstract (maximum 150 words) to either organizer. It is hoped that small bursaries (to cover the registration fee) may be made available to doctoral students and early career researchers in financial need.

Nueva web/proyecto: Manuscripts Online.

Manuscripts Online will enable users to search an enormous body of online primary resources relating to written and early printed culture in Britain during the period 1000 to 1500.

A single search engine will enable users to undertake sophisticated full-text searching of literary manuscripts, historical documents and early printed books which are located on websites owned by libraries, archives, universities and publishers. Users will be able to search the resources by keyword, but also by specific keyword types, such as person and place name, date and language (eg. Middle English, Latin and Anglo-Norman), thanks to techniques which we are using called automated entity recognition. Additionally, users will be able to visualise search results using maps of medieval Britain and create their own annotations to the data for public consumption, thereby building a knowledge base around this critical mass of primary source data.

Automated entity recognition is a Natural Language Processing technique within information science whereby algorithms are able to intelligently identify the occurrences of specific types of words, such as names, concepts and terminology, using three methods: dictionaries (such as a historical gazetteer of place names), lexical pattern matching and syntactic context.

Manuscripts Online will be of interest to researchers and students in the fields of medieval English language, literature and history and it will become a sister site to the JISC-funded Connected Histories website (http://www.connectedhistories.org) which already provides similar search services for the period 1500-1900.


Manuscripts Online is funded by the JISC and supported by the Humanities Research Institute at the University of Sheffield and specialists in medieval studies at the universities of Leicester, Birmingham, Glasgow, York and Queen’s University Belfast.

Project Team

Michael Pidd (Project Director; Univ. of Sheffield)
Orietta Da Rold (Project Director; Univ. of Leicester)
Sharon Howard (Project Manager; Univ. of Sheffield)
Katherine Rogers (Chief Technical Developer; Univ. of Sheffield)
Linne Mooney (Editorial Board; Univ. of York)
Wendy Scase (Editorial Board; Univ. of Birmingham)
Jeremy Smith (Editorial Board; Univ. Glasgow)
Estelle Stubbs (Editorial Board; Univ. of Sheffield)
John Thompson (Editorial Board; Queen’s University Belfast)

More information about Manuscripts Online will be found at http://www.manuscriptsonline.org.

Nueva web: Special Collections of the University Library of Utrecht.

In December 2011 the Special Collections of the University Library of Utrecht launched its new website. It gives information about the collection in Dutch and English, and includes more than 4000 digitized items (manuscripts, printed works and maps). One of these digitized items is the Pontifical of St Mary’s (Ms. 400), illuminated around 1450 by the Master of Catharine of Cleves. It is presented with a detailed discussion of the manuscript, which incorporates the latest iconographic research by Sophia Rochmes (University of California, Santa Barbara). Up to now, 25 of the about 700 medieval manuscripts in the collection have been digitized, some of which are described under ‘From the treasury’ and ‘Recently digitized.’ Both headings will be frequently supplemented by new digitized works.

The URL of the new website is http://bc.library.uu.nl/.

Dr. Bart Jaski, Keeper of Manuscripts and Curator of Printed Books.

Novedad editorial: Castro, A. "Colección Diplomática Altomedieval de Galicia I. Documentación editada en escritura visigótica".

Colección diplomática altomedieval de Galicia I:
Documentación editada en escritura visigótica (662-1234).

A. Castro Correa, Investigador, Seminario de Paleografía, Diplomática y Codicología, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

"Galicia é probablemente unha das comunidades autónomas que conta cun maior número de documentos conservados para o período medieval do noso país. Con todo, estes fondos non mereceron aínda a mesma atención que os conservados para outras zonas, polo que o volume de documentación inédita é alto e o de editada insuficiente, impedíndonos así tanto poder contar con toda a información histórica dispoñible que achegan estas fontes manuscritas coma realizar un estudo en profundidade da evolución dos tipos escriturarios na nosa terra.
Poder recompilar nunha única publicación homoxénea todos os documentos medievais galegos conservados, tanto os xa coñecidos coma aqueles que permaneceron aínda sen estudar, é unha tarefa inxente que se ha de facer pouco a pouco, contando coa dificultade da gran dispersión das fontes xa localizadas entre arquivos galegos, nacionais e estranxeiros, ademais das coleccións particulares. Este traballo é así un primeiro paso que, partindo sobre todo das coleccións diplomáticas coas que xa contamos, tenta reunir a produción documental altomedieval en escritura visigótica da nosa terra. Un primeiro paso que recolle os pasos anteriores para poder avanzar".

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Novedad editorial: Parkes, M. B. "Pages from the Past. Medieval Writing Skills and Manuscript Books".

Pages from the Past
Medieval Writing Skills and Manuscript Books
M.B. Parkes, Emeritus, University of Oxford, UK.
edited by P.R. Robinson and Rivkah Zim.

In the present collection, two overarching concerns emerge: the palaeography of manuscript books in relation to what Parkes has called the ‘grammar of legibility’; and the importance of considering the circumstances in which medieval books were produced, copied and read. The studies discuss the handwriting of individual scribes
and the evidence script can provide of the circumstances of a book’s production, the effect of punctuation and layout of text on the reader’s interpretation of a work, and the provision and production of books for communities of readers, both clerical and academic.

Part I Scribes and Scripts: The Hereford Map: the handwriting and copying of the text; Richard Frampton: a commercial scribe c.1390–c.1420; Patterns of scribal activity and revisions of the text in early copies of works by John Gower; Archaizing hands in English manuscripts.
Part II Punctuation: Latin autograph manuscripts: orthography and punctuation; Punctuation and the medieval history of texts; Medieval punctuation and the modern editor; Punctuation in copies of Nicholas Love’s Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus.
Part III Readers: Rædan, areccan, smeagan: how the Anglo-Saxons read; Folia librorum quaerere: medieval experience of the problems of hypertext and the index; Stephan Batman’s manuscripts.
Part IV Book Provision: History in books’ clothing: books as evidence for cultural relations between England and the Continent in the 7th and 8th centuries; The compilation of the Dominican lectionary; The provision of books; Indexes.
Includes 40 b&w illustrations

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Índice de manuscritos citados

viernes, 13 de enero de 2012

Congreso Internacional: "Las edades del Libro".

Abierto el plazo para participar en el Congreso Internacional "Las edades del Libro" organizado por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, que tendrá lugar los días 15 al 19 de octubre 2012.

Este congreso tiene como objetivo reunir a especialistas en diversas materias y áreas relacionadas con el estudio de la cultura escrita e impresa, el diseño y la comunicación visual, la edición y la industria editorial, la historia, la literatura y las nuevas tecnologías, para así propiciar espacios de intercambio y discusión académica, científica, tecnológica y económica que permitan avanzar en el desarrollo del conocimiento de las formas de los escrito en la historia.

En el congreso internacional LAS EDADES DEL LIBRO se desea explorar el amplio espectro de tradiciones e innovaciones que se han dado en la configuración de los textos, en las diversas épocas y regiones, desde la producción temprana de códices hasta la era del libro electrónico. Algunas de las cuestiones que serán tratadas en el congreso incluyen:

- Cómo evolucionó la configuración de textos en las distintas culturas, a través del tiempo.
- Cuáles son las características formales y materiales de los libros, desde la Antigüedad y de la Edad Media, el periodo de la imprenta manual y hasta la actualidad, con el reciente advenimiento de los nuevos formatos digitales.
- Cuáles son las características de los sistemas de escrituras prehispánicos, cuáles han sido los soportes materiales donde se han plasmado los textos del México antiguo; y cómo fueron los procesos de producción de códices en las diversas tradiciones mesoamericanas.
- Qué aspectos visuales, materiales y formales han sobrevivido en las diversas transformaciones físicas y tecnológicas del libro (del manuscrito a la imprenta manual, de la imprenta manual a la mecánica, y de la mecánica al entorno digital).
- De qué forma los cambios en los soportes y en las configuraciones textuales han modificado los procesos de producción, cómo han alterado el aspecto y los contenidos de los libros y cómo se ha modificado la lectura de los textos a través del tiempo.
- Cómo participan en la producción escrita las diversas artes, ciencias y oficios.
- Qué papeles han jugado los autores, editores, diseñadores, ilustradores, libreros, lectores y usuarios en general, en la elaboración de textos.
- De qué forma el libro —en sus más variadas y diversas formas y manifestaciones— ha repercutido en la sociedad. Invitamos a la recepción de ponencias que aborden temas como epigrafía, caligrafía y paleografía, diseño editorial, tipografía, procesos de impresión, ecdótica, edición textual y gráfica, publicación digital y tecnología aplicada a la edición, desde una perspectiva comparada o de larga duración. Algunos de los aspectos que se podrán considerar son la transmisión de los textos, la disposición de contenidos visuales y textuales, el diseño de páginas, la tipografía e ilustraciones de los libros, las relaciones texto-imagen, la ornamentación, rubricación, las modalidades de lectura, el uso y manejo del color en la transmisición de textos, la navegabilidad y diseño de pantallas, así como el diseño de interfases y la ergonomía visual.

Seminario de Diplomática y Paleografía.

La semana prósima, los días 16 y 19 de enero, se impartirán en el Seminario de Diplomática y Paleografía de la Università degli studi di Bari las siguientes conferencias de interés:

I documenti altomedievali di area ravennate
a cargo de FRANCESCA SANTONI, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”

I documenti della cancelleria di Federico II
a cargo de CRISTINA CARBONETTI, Università di Roma II

I figli di Glaucia e i papiri del Serapeo. Tra produzione scritta e identità etnica
a cargo de LUCIO DEL CORSO, Università di Cassino

Autografia e paleografia: autori, copisti e manoscritti nel '300 italiano
a cargo de MARCO CURSI, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”

Más información

sábado, 7 de enero de 2012

Curso. Medieval Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age.

University of London (Reino Unido).

The Institute of English Studies is pleased to offer again this course, funded jointly by COST and the AHRC, and run in collaboration with King's College London, the Warburg Institute, and the University of Cambridge.

The course is an annual, intensive training programme on the analysis, description and editing of medieval manuscripts in the digital age to be held jointly in Cambridge and London.

It stresses the practical application of theoretical principles and gives participants both a solid theoretical foundation and also 'hands-on' experience in the cataloguing and editing of original medieval manuscripts in both print and digital formats.

One half of the course involve classes in the mornings and then visits to libraries in Cambridge and London in the afternoons. Students will have the opportunity to view original manuscripts and to gain practical experience in applying the morning's themes to concrete examples. In the second half we will address the cataloguing and description of manuscripts in a digital format with particular emphasis on the standards developed by the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). These sessions will also combine theoretical principles and practical experience and include workshops with supervised work on computers.

The course is under the direction of Professor Michelle Brown (IES), and is co-organised by Dr Peter Stokes (Cambridge), Dr Hanna Vorholt (Warburg), and Dr Elena Pierazzo (KCL); other instructors are listed here. Special lectures will be given by Professor Nicholas Pickwoad (Camberwell), Dr Tim Bolton (Sotheby's), and Simon Tanner (KCL Digital Consultancy Services).

The course is open to all doctoral students registered at institutions in any of the thirty-six COST countries (as listed on the COST website), and it is aimed at those writing dissertations which relate directly to medieval manuscripts, particularly with respect to literature, art and history. Places are limited to a maximum of twenty students, and the group will be split for the library visits. Participants will be required to arrange their own accommodation and travel to London and Cambridge, but there will be no fee for the course itself. Some bursaries will be available for travel and accommodation, to be assigned based on even distribution of nationality and gender. Applications close on 13 January 2012.

Funding for this course is provided jointly by the AHRC's Collaborative Training Scheme and by COST Action IS1005, 'Medieval Europe - Medieval Cultures and Technological Resources'.

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Nueva fuente para medievalistas.

Version 0.7 of Junicode, the font for medievalists, has now been released.
This version contains numerous new glyphs, including:
- Complete IPA Extensions range in all four faces
- Complete Runic range in all four faces
- Mirrored runes in the regular face (accessible via the OpenType rtlm feature tag)

In response to user comments, line spacing settings have been restored to those of earlier versions. A new hinting system has been adopted for greatly improved screen display.
A WOFF version is available for web developers. The font has been tested in Windows 7, OS X and Ubuntu Linux.

Descarga gratuita: enlace

Codicology and Palaeography in the Digital Age, vol. 2

Digital technology changes the way scholars work with manuscripts.
This volume deepens the questions raised by the first volume on palaeography and codicology in the digital age, published a year ago, particularly questions on digitisation and cataloguing, on character recognition and the analysis of script.Moreover, the focus has been widened to include the fields of computer-aided manuscript research in musicology and history of art, as well as to methodologies applied in computational and natural sciences.

Besides Latin, this volume covers also Greek, Glagolitic, Judeo-Arabic and other scripts. The spatio-temporal frame stretches from ancient Egypt of 1800 BC to Paris of the 20th century.

With Contributions by: Pádraig Ó Macháin; Armand Tif; Alison Stones, Ken Sochats; Melissa Terras; Silke Schöttle, Ulrike Mehringer; Marilena Maniaci, Paolo Eleuteri; Ezio Ornato; Toby Burrows; Robert Kummer; Lior Wolf, Nachum Dershowitz, Liza Potikha, Tanya German, Roni Shweka, Yacov Choueka; Daniel Deckers, Leif Glaser; Timothy Stinson; Peter Meinlschmidt, Carmen Kämmerer, Volker Märgner; Peter Stokes; Dominique Stutzmann; Stephen Quirke; Markus Diem, Robert Sablatnig, Melanie Gau, Heinz Miklas; Julia Craig-McFeely; Isabelle Schürch, Martin Rüesch; Carole Dornier, Pierre-Yves Buard; Samantha Saidi, Jean-François Bert, Philippe Artières; Elena Pierazzo, Peter Stokes. Introduction by: Franz Fischer, Patrick Sahle. In Collaboration with: Bernhard Assmann, Malte Rehbein, Patrick Sahle.


Writing Europe before 1450: A Colloquium.

University of Bergen (Noruega).
3rd-5th June 2012.

The increasingly widespread recognition that print entered a world already characterized by a sophisticated market for the production, exchange and sale of written texts suggests that explorations of this textual culture can fruitfully elucidate the prolonged and varied processes through which Europe and its constituent localities entered into modern reading, writing and communicative practices. Writing Europe: A Colloquium aims to draw on a range of approaches and perspectives to exchange ideas about manuscript studies, material culture, multilingualism in texts and books, book history, readers, audience and scribes across the medieval period and beyond.

How did local writers, compilers and readers use writing to inscribe regional identity within broader conventions or, on the other hand, impress 'universal' practices and constructs on local populations? In what way did the spread of sacred writing from the Mediterranean to the northern and eastern edges of Europe contribute to or reflect the creations of (both material and cultural) peripheries and centers? What were the different markets for books; can we characterize their developments and differences? How do the dynamics (e.g. the production, consumption and regulation) of this textual culture in the Latin West compare with those found in other places and periods? What new or existing methodologies can be employed to map the geographies of written words across Europe? Finally, to what extent does the examination of these issues support or undermine temporal and geographical bifurcations of the world into modern and 'not'.

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Workshop. Methods and means for digital analysis of ancient and medieval texts and manuscripts.

Leuven Catholic University (Bélgica).
2-3 abril 2012.

This workshop aims at mapping the various ways in which digital tools can help and, indeed, change our scholarly work on “pre-modern” texts, more precisely our means of analyzing the interrelationships between manuscripts and texts produced in the pre-modern era. This includes the history of textual traditions in a very broad sense, encompassing several fields of research, such as book history, stemmatology, research on textual sources, tracing of borrowings and influences between texts, etc.

We welcome researches in any field of textual scholarship carried out on any ancient or medieval textual tradition in any language (Latin, Greek, “vernacular” / “oriental” languages…), using computer-aided methods of analysis.

Possible topics are: stemmatological analysis of manuscript traditions, digital palaeography / codicology, analysis of relationships between texts, textual history, textual criticism…

This workshop is seen as complementary to the Interedition ‘bootcamp’ to be held in Leuven in January 2012.

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Curso. Diploma programme in manuscript studies.

Toronto, The Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (Canadá).
4 junio-13 julio 2012.

Application deadline 1.II.2012.

The programme consists of five core courses, including Latin Palaeography, Diplomatics, Codicology, Textual Editing, and a variable content rubric under which a number of different special subject courses will be mounted. Courses will be available on a rotating basis, with two three-week courses offered each summer. The venue for teaching will alternate between the Pontifical Institute in Toronto and the American Academy in Rome, to take advantage of the unique resources of each institution.

MSST 1001: Codicology
4 - 22 June
A course examining the physical make-up and production of manuscript codices. The actual processes of manufacture of medieval manuscripts will be explored, including the making of parchment, the preparation of quires for writing, scribal practices, illumination, and binding. The changing context of manuscript production, from the early monastic scriptoria to the rapid reproduction of texts at the universities of the high Middle Ages, will also be considered. The proper method for describing manuscripts and how to exploit modern catalogue listings and other finding tools will be covered. The manuscript collection of the Pontifical Institute will provide firsthand experience with medieval manuscripts, and the bases for a final project.

MSST 1003: Textual Editing
25 June – 13 July
An introduction to the textual criticism and editing of medieval texts from manuscript. Practical exercises will focus upon the transcription and collation of texts from multiple witnesses, with instruction in how to create a critical apparatus and an apparatus of sources. Modern editions of medieval scholastic and literary texts will be used to illustrate various aspects of the presentation of an edited text, from reconstructing the textual tradition and building a stemma codicum, to describing the manuscripts and the editorial conventions employed.

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18th Colloque international de paléographie latine. The scriptorium.

St. Gall (Suiza).
11-14 septiembre 2013.

jusqu'au / until 31.V.2012

La celebración del coloquio en el marco de la antigua abadía de San Gall, cuyo célebre plano del siglo IX ofrece uno de los raros testimonios de la existencia física de un scriptorium, proporciona la ocasión de introducir una reflexión acerca del concepto que abarca esta palabra.

El término se introdujo bastante tarde en el vocabulario de los eruditos, a comienzos del siglo XX, para sustituir a otras expresiones cargadas de connotaciones sensiblemente diferentes ("escuela caligráfica", etc.). La publicación de la obra pionera de Albert Bruckner, Scriptoria Medii Aevi Helvetica (1935-1978, 12 vol.), y la fundación de la revista Scriptorium por Camille Gaspar, Frédéric Lyna y François Masai, en 1946, han contribuido ampliamente a popularizarlo.

El concepto, sin embargo, sigue siendo bastante impreciso. Algunos lo extienden a toda clase de centros de producción y no dudan en hablar de scriptoria laicos, incluso privados. Otros, por el contrario, hacen un uso muy restrictivo del mismo y reservan el término para los centros más famosos por la calidad y cantidad de su producción. En la mayor parte de los casos, subsiste como entidad abstracta y no se hace el esfuerzo de dilucidar las realidades materiales a las que corresponde.

Resulta, pues, necesaria una puesta a punto.

Se puede proponer definir el scriptorium como una unidad de producción (eventualmente reducida a unas cuantas personas), que funciona en el seno de una institución eclesiástica, destinada a satisfacer sus necesidades de libros fuera de todo contexto comercial. — Semejante definición, ¿es satisfactoria y completa? ¿Cuáles son sus implicaciones ?

El esquema que sigue debería permitir aportar elementos de respuesta a estos interrogantes, sea sobre la base de análisis de conjunto, sea a partir de ejemplos especialmente significativos.

1. La palabra y el concepto:

a) Pruebas de su uso y significados de la palabra scriptorium (y de sus sinónimos); testimonios de cualquier naturaleza (literaria, iconográfica, etc.) acerca de esta institución.
b) ¿Qué idea se hicieron del scriptorium los eruditos de las épocas clásica, moderna contemporánea?

2. Los hechos:

a) Las necesidades de la vida eclesiástica en materia de libros de estudio, de coro, de archivo.
b) El puesto que ocupan las labores de escritura en el marco de la vida monástica, conventual, universitaria, comunitaria.
c) El personal y la organización del trabajo en los scriptoria.
d) La puesta en común de la producción en las órdenes centralizadas (cluniacenses, cistercienses...).
e) La producción de libros en relación con las actividades de enseñanza.
f) La transcripción de textos como ejercicio espiritual.
g) La producción de documentos y de códices diplomáticos (cartularios, etc.) en los scriptoria.
h) Otras manifestaciones gráficas (especialmente inscripciones) que puedan ser puestas en relación con la actividad de un scriptorium.
i) La coexistencia de scriptoria y de centros de producción de tipo comercial (oficinas, talleres).

3. La interpretación:

a) ¿Cómo probar la existencia de un scriptorium?
b) ¿Cómo demostrar la atribución de un manuscrito a un scriptorium?
c) ¿Cómo evaluar cuantitativa y cualitativamente la producción de un scriptorium?
d) ¿Cuáles son los factores (institucionales, económicos, políticos, sociales, culturales) que influyen en el desarrollo o la decadencia de un scriptorium?
e) ¿De qué coyunturas históricas depende la preservación de la producción de los scriptoria?
f) ¿Qué transformaciones pueden observarse, a lo largo de la historia, en la naturaleza y la función del scriptorium?
g) ¿Hasta qué punto las tipologías paleográficas, codicológicas, "miniaturísticas", se apoyan en la percepción de los scriptoria?

Las propuestas de comunicación, especificando los datos del autor, deben dirigirse a Denis Muzerelle, secretario general del Comité (dm2@palaeographia.org), antes del 1° de junio de 2012, acompañadas de un resumen prospectivo de 1000 caracteres como mínimo y 2500 como máximo (espacios no incluidos).

Las propuestas y las comunicaciones deberán estar redactadas en una de las lenguas de trabajo del Comité: alemán, español (castellano), francés, inglés, italiano.

Se ruega a los autores que precisen el o los puntos del cuestionario que piensan abordar. Se dará preferencia a las comunicaciones que prevean profundizar en uno o dos puntos particulares antes que tratar de pasada un gran número de ellos. Asimismo se agradece a los autores que proporcionen las indicaciones pertinentes acerca del soporte visual que piensan utilizar para apoyar su comunicación.

Los autores serán informados de la resolución relativa a su propuesta a partir del 1° de julio de 2012.

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Digital Humanities 2012.

University of Hamburg (Alemania).
16-22 julio 2012.

Digital Humanities is the annual international conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO). ADHO is an umbrella organization whose goals are to promote and support digital research and teaching across arts and humanities disciplines, drawing together humanists engaged in digital and computer-assisted research, teaching, creation, dissemination, and beyond, in all areas reflected by its diverse membership.

The Digital Humanities conference in 2012 will be hosted by the University of Hamburg.

The first joint conference was held in 1989, at the University of Toronto, coinciding with the 16th annual meeting of ALLC, and the ninth annual meeting of the ACH-sponsored International Conference on Computers and the Humanities (ICCH). Information about the joint international conferences from 1989 to 2011 may be found here.

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19th International Medieval Congress: Medieval Scripts and the Rules.

University of Leeds (Reino Unido).
9-12 julio 2012.

The International Medieval Congress (IMC) is organised and administered by the Institute for Medieval Studies (IMS). Since its start in 1994, the Congress has established itself as an annual event with an attendance of over 1,500 medievalists from all over the world. It is the largest conference of its kind in Europe.

Drawing medievalists from over 40 countries, with over 1,100 individual papers and 400 academic sessions and a wide range of concerts, performances, readings, round tables, excursions, bookfair and associated events, the Leeds International Medieval Congress is Europe's largest annual gathering in the humanities. Next year's Congress will take place 9-12 July 2012.
The call for papers can be found here.

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II International Medieval Meeting.

Universidad de Lleida.
26-29 junio 2012.

Between the 26th and the 29th of June 2012, the city of Lleida will once again become the world capital of research and business in medieval history. Some of the leading medievalists from across the globe will take part in six congresses which focus on various key aspects of medieval history, art history, archaeology, literature and language. Specialists in a wide range of aspects of Medieval Studies will introduce their research at this meeting, while others will present sessions, individual papers and posters on different aspects of research in the history of the Middle Ages. There will also be sessions dedicated to the promotion and management of research, the application of new technologies in the Humanities and the promotion of historical heritage. Furthermore, there will be important presentations concerning the publication and dissemination of research in medieval history.

These events will take place in our university, located in the medieval city of Lleida, where you will be able to enjoy a wide range of cultural and leisure activities.

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X Jornadas de la Sociedad de Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas: La escritura de la memoria. Lugares de escritura: la Catedral.

Universidad de Valladolid.
18-19 junio 2012.

Reunida la Junta Directiva de la Sociedad en el Departamento de Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, el pasado 24 de septiembre de 2011, se acordó que las X Jornadas se celebrarán en la Universidad de Valladolid los días 18 y 19 de junio de 2012, con el inicio de un nuevo ciclo temático que llevará por título "Lugares de escritura", que persigue estudiar la escritura y lo escrito en contextos determinados.

El tema que articulará ponencias y comunicaciones en las Jornadas de Valladolid será "Lugares de escritura: la catedral". Para esta primera ocasión se ha pensado en las catedrales como espacios susceptibles de atraer la atención desde perspectivas muy variadas. Se propone, por tanto, estudiar libros, documentos, inscripciones, archivos, etc., todos los acercamientos posibles desde las disciplinas propias a nuestra Sociedad, con el propósito de comprender el papel de la escritura en las catedrales españolas.

Ponencias propuestas:
1.- José Manuel Ruiz Asencio, Universidad de Valladolid: Obispos del reino de León y el patrimonio bibliográfico y documental (s. X-XII).
2.- Ramón Gonzálvez, Archivo y catedral de Toledo: La Catedral de Toledo y las actividades relacionadas con la escritura en la Edad Media (1100-1500).
3.- Pilar Pueyo Colomina, Universidad de Zaragoza: Documentos episcopales y capitulares (siglos XII-XVI)
4.- Vicente García Lobo, Universidad de León: El mensaje publicitario en la catedral: estrategias epigráficas.
5.- Vicente Pons Alós, Universidad de Valencia: Signa librum usque ad tempus statum: La génesis de los archivos catedralicios.

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Colloque international: Comment le Livre s'est fait livre. La fabrication des manuscrits bibliques (IVe-XVe siècle).

Université de Namur (Bélgica).
24-25 mayo 2012.

Throughout the Middle Ages, the Bible was one of the most copied texts in the Christian world. As a sacred text, it was widely commented, rewritten and put to various uses in different contexts and with different purposes. It reflects the various changes that writing systems and technologies underwent; not surprisingly, it was the first book to be printed. Wherever one looks, the Bible gave rise to the most sophisticated expressions of the medieval craft of book-making.

Biblical texts and manuscripts have for a long time attracted the attention of philologists, exegetes and historians; however, things are different when it comes to the artefacts that gave the Bible its material existence. Although the production of biblical books in certain periods and a few exceptional manuscripts have already been studied in detail, we are still very far from being able to build a historical typology of biblical books. To achieve this aim, it seems necessary to adopt a global and a comparative perspective. Therefore, a particular effort needs to be made to highlight the manner in which the difficulties involved in the material process of making the sacred book have been resolved at different points in time and in different countries.

This conference intends to establish the state of the art with respect to Bible making from late Antiquity to the fifteenth century, while also opening up new perspectives for future research. In order to promote a comparative and comprehensive approach to these issues without losing focus, the conference will concentrate on Bible making in the West (both in Latin and in the vernaculars) as well as in the Byzantine and Hebraic parts of the Mediterranean world.

The conference organizers look forward to receiving proposals that centre on the material aspects of Bible books and especially those that adopt a wide-ranging approach; reports on finished or ongoing research are both welcome. Case-studies on isolated textual witnesses will only be considered if they shed new light on production modes and technical aspects that can be shown to have a wider currency. Similarly, paper proposals addressing cultural aspects (e.g. contexts of production and reception), philological aspects (e.g. issues of text transmission, the set-up of books and prologues, paratextual features) or iconographic ones (e.g. the decorative apparatus) should preferably address their interaction with the books’ material aspects (structure of the volumes, lay-out, readability...).

Seeking to clearly define the thematic scope of the conference, we propose a pragmatic definition of the concept of “Bible book” as follows:
- the entire Bible text, or a part of it, organized on a book-after-book basis, with or without marginal comments, handwritten or printed (incunabula);
- the entire Bible text, or a part of it, prepared for liturgical uses (evangelical books, psalters), with the exception, however, of liturgical books which include non-biblical materials (missals, breviaries, books of hours).

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International colloquium: Archival Scribes in the Medieval West. Training, Careers, Connections.

Université de Namur (Bélgica).
2-4 mayo 2012.

For the last two or three decades, the interest for the written evidence of the past has been growing. Primary sources used by historians have acquired new value and become privileged subject matters of history themselves. This new trend in socio-cultural history has been initiated by the studies on the “Schriftlichkeit” or “literacy” (littératie, as we can read in the most recent French-speaking literature). They have raised the question of the process of writing and the written culture, which seemed to prevail in the Middle Ages – or at least, this is how Medievalists see it. Since then, primary written sources have been considered archeological artefacts. The process of their development and use, both mechanical and intellectual, is a central concern. However, it might now be time to take some distance from the object and focus on the men who shaped and wrote these textual sources. Historiography indeed continues to provide us with a rather fixed image of the medieval scribes: monks at work in the silence of the abbey’s scriptorium; notaries tirelessly busy doing two things at once; or chancery clerks, with their mass production of official documents. How much of reality is there in such traditional postcard scenes?

The question is, who wrote in the Middle Ages, especially in the abundant but yet unknown field of normative or pragmatic records intended for archive purpose? What are the profiles of these various medieval scriptores, employed for archival work by princes or lower noblemen, by justice officers or by manorial courts, by major monastic orders or by small collegiate churches, by urban authorities or local communities? The international colloquium, which will be held at the University of Namur on 2, 3 and 4 May 2012, aims at laying the foundations of a wide prospecting of social history, based on a large questionnaire:

Is it possible to trace back some archival scribe’s career? Is there a place for prosopography? Case studies would be welcome anyway, to figure out about these people when they are not completely anonymous.
What are their social origin and their education path? What is their status, and what does it mean? What range of possibilities is there, between the «mechanical clerk» defined by R.-H. Bautier and the «top-ranking» civil servant, whose higher function implies writing?
Which mobility, which versatility? Some scribes are employed by several institutions: in this case, does it affect the way they work, do they adapt it? Is the scribe able to change his handwriting, like some examples from the late Middle Ages tend to prove?
What profession? Is writing a job in itself, or is it a technical skill used for other activities? And if so, what are the other jobs of these scribes (accountant, administrator, priest, tradesman, moneychanger, poet…)?
What evolutions? It remains essential to choose a diachronic position and also to focus on the chronology. Is it possible to notice one or some chronological evolutions in the scribe’s work, function or status? How different is the early medieval scribe from the one living in the 12th or 15th century?
What permeability? We can’t set this prospecting apart from the well-known (and even?) world of scribes working on library manuscripts (scribes in scriptoria, specialists of the pecia, and others). Are they the same people as those who write down the terms of a lease for their abbey? And if not, is there an intellectual or social hierarchy between these different kinds of scribes?

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Congreso Internacional Tua sunt Domine omnia: Las donaciones piadosas en el mundo medieval (Asturiensis Regni Territorium).

Universidad de Oviedo.
18-21 abril 2012.
Inscripciones hasta el 31 de marzo de 2012.

Asturiensis Regni Territorium organiza, con ocasión del 1200 aniversario del Testamentum de Alfonso II, el congreso Tua sunt Domine omnia. Las donaciones piadosas en el mundo medieval. Conmemorando el 1200 aniversario del Testamento del rey Casto.

El congreso, que se celebrará en la Universidad de Oviedo durante los días 18 a 21 de abril de 2012, tiene como hilo conductor el tema de las donaciones piadosas, tanto en los primitivos reinos y condados cristianos del norte peninsular como allende de ellos, con el objeto no sólo de explorar las vertientes históricas y diplomático-filológicas de los textos que nos los transmiten, sino también de extender el ámbito de sus estudios a la arqueología tradicional y del paisaje, la historia del arte, la historia de las mentalidades, etc.

Han sido encargadas diversas ponencias a relevantes especialistas en historia, diplomática, filología, literatura, arqueología, arte, religiosidad, etc. cuyos títulos serán avanzados próximamente. Asimismo, el congreso está abierto a la recepción de propuestas de comunicaciones; quienes deseen presentar una comunicación, deberán enviar un e-mail con el título y un resumen de 1 folio de extensión máxima a la dirección electrónica de ART: astregterritorium@yahoo.es

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Colloquium: Books and their readers in Anglo-Saxon England. A manuscript colloquium.

University Library Leiden (Países Bajos).
27 enero 2012.


Rolf H. Bremmer Jr (Leiden University): The Leiden Riddle or Why Does the University Library Have Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts?

Michelle Brown (University of London): What Does ‘Literacy’ Mean in Insular and Anglo-Saxon Culture?

Sandor Chardonnens (Radboud University Nijmegen): Textual Layout of Technical and Scientific Materials in Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts.

Kees Dekker (Groningen University): Encyclopaedic Notes in Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts. the Role of Northumbria.

Francis Newton (Duke University): Eadui Basan. A New Interpretation of His Scribal Colophon and the Theological Basis of the Miniatures in the Eadui (Hanover) Gospels.

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