jueves, 19 de julio de 2012

48th International Congress on Medieval Studies.

48th International Congress on Medieval Studies


Kalamazoo [MI], Western Michigan University

Session Monastic Literary Production for Lay Audiences in the Late Middle Ages.

* Call for papers (until 15.IX.2012) *
This session aims to provoke discussion of the vital role monastic culture played in contributing to forms of lay piety in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, a period that we refer to as the “long fifteenth century” in England. While much scholarly attention has been paid to reevaluating vernacular literature written during this period, this panel will focus exclusively on devotional texts written by religious authors for lay consumption. Seeking to further undermine dominant historical narratives, which view late medieval monastic culture as moribund, recent work has tended to focus on elite religious foundations, such as Syon Abbey and St Albans Monastery. This session will consider the role that individual monastic authors played as conduits for the transmission of religious culture to lay readers as a more general phenomenon within the evolution of English religious culture.

Religious writing produced between 1410 and 1530 has traditionally been dismissed as derivative, reactionary or, perhaps most damning, “dull," and this session will challenge this persistent view by acknowledging the importance of devotional literature to the substantial expansion of vernacular literacy in England during the period. Furthermore, by recognizing the continuum between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, we invite scholars to consider the ways in which these texts take up ideas that query a traditional medieval/early modern divide

Please send abstracts of no more than 300 words and a completed Participant Information Form to either co-organizer of this session by 15 September 2012. Electronic submissions are preferred. 

Brandon Alakas
Department of English
Royal Military College of Canada
P.O. Box 17000, Stn. Forces
Kingston, Ontario K7K 7B4

Stephanie Morley
Department of English
Saint Mary’s University
923 Robie Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 3C3


Exhibition. The art of devotion in the Middle Ages.

The art of devotion in the Middle Ages

Los Angeles, The Getty Center, 
28.VIII.2012 – 3.II.2013 

Manuscripts and their illuminations played a central role in fostering and expressing the devotion of Christian faithful during the Middle Ages. As the word of God, biblical phrases were introduced by elaborate initial letters; narrative stories about Christ or the saints were pictured in detailed miniatures; and borders brimming with fantastic scenes focused attention on important texts. Drawn entirely from the Getty Museum's collection, this exhibition looks at manuscripts that not only helped medieval viewers celebrate Christian beliefs but also—with their lavish decoration in precious pigments and gold—served as material testaments to the piety of their owners.


COL - Correcteur Orthographique de Latin.

Info & download

Source: DM

Seminar: Modelling primary sources of multi-testimonial textual transmissions.

Digital Classicist & Institute of Classical Studies Seminar 2012
Friday July 20th at 16:30
Senate House, Malet Street, London

Paolo Monella (Centro Linceo, Roma)
‘In the Tower of Babel: Modelling primary sources of multi-testimonial textual transmissions’

This talk aims at discussing a model for digital scholarly editions of texts with a multi-testimonial textual tradition where, for each witness, two layers of digital representation are formally and explicitly distinct, though interrelated: A. The graphical representation of the text of that witness, mirroring its specific encoding system (alphabet, capitalisation, punctuation, word boundaries, scribal abbreviations, page space arrangement etc.); B. The text of that witness in an ‘uniform’ digital encoding, necessary to make the representations of the text of different witnesses digitally comparable. The talk will also explore how TEI P5 can address the theoretical modelling issues involved.

Source: DM

XIV International Congress of Medieval canon law.

XIV International Congress of Medieval canon law

Toronto, University of Toronto 



martes, 17 de julio de 2012

48th International Congress on Medieval Studies.

48th International Congress on Medieval Studies


Kalamazoo [MI], Western Michigan University

Session Not Your Moder's Medievalism: Rethinking the Medieval through its Self-Imagination.

* Call for papers (until 15.IX.2012) *

This panel aims to contribute to a growing body of work that explores medievalism through the medieval period’s own eyes. Rather than understanding medievalism solely through later periods’ constructions of the medieval, most commonly those of the 19th century, this panel is interested in the way the medieval participated in its own self-conscious creation. Questions explored might include: How did the medieval think about itself? How did it shape, comment on, or contribute to our present senses of the medieval? How might the medieval’s self-consciousness influence later instantiations of medievalism? How did the medieval parody itself? How did nostalgia function in the medieval period? This panel is interested not only in medieval English literature, but also continental literatures and literatures across languages and geographies.

Please submit a proposal of 300 words with a completed Participant Information Form (available on the Western Michigan University website) for consideration in these panels. 

Panel contact:
Katherine Leveling

Department of English

One Shields Avenue

University of California
 Davis, CA 95616


48th International Congress on Medieval Studies.

48th International Congress on Medieval Studies


Kalamazoo [MI], Western Michigan University

Session Un/making mistakes in Medieval manuscripts (organized by B. M. Eggert, Humboldt University, Berlin – Ch. Schott, Erskine College, South Carolina). 

* Call for papers (until 25.VIII.2012) *

While scholars of medieval manuscripts usually focus either on the craftsmanship of the codex or on how the copy work affects the text, the purpose of this session is to shed light on errors, mistakes and obscurities in handwritten texts – and what happens when they are noticed. Scribes often made mistakes when taking dictation or copying a text, which manifest themselves in dittography or omission of words as a result of eyeskip, etc. Likewise, the physical supports themselves could be faulty, containing holes or irregular edges that forced scribes to adjust or alter their copying activities to accommodate their materials. Sometimes it remains obscure whether a textual phenomenon was regarded an error or mistake, for example when illuminators of manuscripts ignored written instructions concerning iconography or colours. Errors, mistakes and obscurities could be handled in different ways: they could be corrected openly, hushed up with more or less skill, marked with a comment – or remain as they were. Each decision marks a distinct understanding of whether correctness of a text was regarded as the most important aspect of a manuscript – or whether a clean page and uninterrupted textual surface was deemed more valuable. 

By inviting paper proposals from both scholars of text as well as scholars of images, this session aims to explore the nature of errors, mistakes and obscurities in medieval manuscripts as well as the “corrections” thereof to gain insight into the contemporary assumptions about what a text should look like.

Please send your abstract, along with a short cv and the paper proposal form to B. M. Eggert and Ch. Schott.


jueves, 12 de julio de 2012

Colloque: Ecriture et genre épistolaires (IVe-XIe s.).

«Ecriture et genre épistolaires (IVe-XIe s.)»

Poitiers, 5-8 juin 2013

Colloque organisé par Thomas Deswarte et Klaus Herbers
Agence Nationale de la Recherche-Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Programme ANR-DFG EPISTOLA: «La lettre en péninsule Ibérique et dans l’Occident latin: héritages et transformations d’un genre littéraire (IVe-XIe siècles)».

Institutions partenaires: Centre d'études supérieures de civilisation médiévale (UMR 6589), École des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid), Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Comité d’organisation: Bruno Dumézil, Jacques Elfassi, Nathanaël Nimmegeers, Cornelia Scherer, Hélène Sirantoine.

* Appel à communication *

«Quelle douleur! Les chrétiens ont oublié jusqu'à leur langue, et sur mille d'entre nous, vous trouverez à peine un seul qui sache écrire convenablement une lettre latine à un ami. Mais s'il s'agit d'écrire en arabe, vous trouverez une foule de personnes qui s'expriment dans cette langue avec la plus grande élégance, et vous verrez qu'elles composent des poèmes préférables, sous le point de vue de l'art, à ceux des Arabes eux-mêmes». Ainsi s’exprime vers 840 Alvare de Cordoue, confronté à l’acculturation de ses corréligionnaires en al-Andalus. Selon lui, l’abandon du latin au profit de l’arabe s’accompagne de la pratique de la poésie, tandis que l’impossibilité d’écrire des lettres équivaut à l’oubli du latin; bref, sous sa plume, le genre épistolaire est considéré comme caractéristique de la culture latine, comme la poésie l’est de la culture arabe…

Une telle situation dans l’Occident latin ne peut s’expliquer que par le prodigieux essor du genre épistolaire, qui accompagne le développement du christianisme; à la lettre théologique de l’époque apostolique, succède ainsi une correspondance très variée, composée à la fois de missives personnelles, de lettres doctrinales, de lettres synodales (transmettant les décisions aux absents) et de lettres pontificales (qui deviennent vite les décrétales). Inutile de préciser que cette diversité hérite elle-même de l’Antiquité classique, pendant laquelle le genre épistolaire était déjà protéiforme: l’epistola – ce «dialogue en absence» – pouvait déjà prendre la forme d’une lettre personnelle, d’une lettre-dédicace, d’une lettre-traité (philosophique ou scientifique) ou d’une lettre-discours (celles d’Isocrate à Demonicus). Il nous faut donc bien considérer l’epistola non pas seulement sous un angle purement utilitaire, mais bien comme un fait culturel: elle est le résultat d’un choix littéraire pleinement positif, dont nous étudierons les ressorts. Bref, s’il est impossible de dissocier l’analyse de l’énoncé de celle de son énonciation, ce premier colloque voudrait néanmoins privilégier l’analyse linguistique et stylistique du contenant, avant que ne soit abordés les problèmes liés à la «Tradition, transmission et communication» (Erlangen, 2014) et à «La lettre dans son environnement» (Madrid, 2015). 

La lettre est ainsi tout d’abord le lieu de l’affirmation – au moins formelle – d’une individualité, en un temps où, par ailleurs, l’anonymat est si fréquent dans le domaine de l’historiographie et de l’hagiographie. Qui plus est, entre la fin de l’Antiquité et la rupture grégorienne des années 1100 – qui s’accompagne au sein du monde ecclésiastique d’un nouveau développement des échanges épistolaires, vecteurs privilégiés de la Réforme – la lettre est l’un des rares lieux d’écriture où se manifestent une émotion, un affect, au moyen d’une écriture mimant parfois l’oralité. Il ne faudrait pas pour autant faire de cette lettre «substitut de la personne» et imago animi un miroir parfait, où se liraient directement la subjectivité de l’auteur et l’objectivité des faits. En fait, la lettre est souvent dictée, parfois même rédigée par une autre personne que l’auteur, qui peut constituer un filtre à sa pensée (première session: La lettre, lieu d’une individualité?). 

Par ailleurs, même quand la lettre a théoriquement un seul destinataire, elle n’est pas toujours vouée à rester cachée: si les lettres du haut Moyen Âge sont parvenues jusqu’à nous, c'est d'ailleurs, la plupart du temps, parce qu'elles n'étaient pas vraiment secrètes... Mais, précisément, les auteurs de lettres peuvent jouer sur l'ambiguïté privé-public et sur la multiplicité de destinataires potentiels, depuis le destinataire du message jusqu'à l'ensemble du public voire la postérité. Ainsi, la spontanéité cache souvent de redoutables stratégies littéraires – ainsi en était-il déjà des fameuses lettres de Sénèque à Lucilius, écrites comme s’il s’agissait d’une «conversation» et qui ne sont pourtant qu’un prétexte à sa méditation philosophique. Ces stratégies sont d’autant plus variées que ce genre se caractérise par sa grande ductilité, avec des règles de rédaction héritées de l’Antiquité (un formulaire) encore peu contraignantes – avant que les artes dictaminis n’inventent au douzième siècle une norme épistolaire per se. En fait, l’écriture épistolaire possède une puissance stylistique qui lui est propre et dont l’objectif est de transmettre au destinataire une information ou un ordre, de chercher à le convaincre ou bien, tout simplement, de rester en contact avec lui. Pour ce faire, elle utilise des niveaux langagiers fort divers, parfois à l’intérieur d’une même missive, suivant la nature de la correspondance, son destinataire et les sujets abordés. Seront tout particulièrement étudiées les modalités de mise en présence in absentia, ainsi que les spécificités stylistiques et lexicologiques de la lettre, tout particulièrement son vocabulaire performatif (deuxième session: Les stratégies littéraires de l’epistola). 

Le succès de ce genre est tel qu’il se diffuse dans la littérature et l’archive. Sa forme ‘contamine’ ainsi d’autres types de documents, en particulier la «lettre doctrinale» (le traité qui se présente comme une lettre) et la lettre «diplomatique» (l’acte qui a forme de lettre). De nombreuses œuvres littéraires s’enrichissent aussi de lettres, dont nous étudierons les modalités d’insertion – suivant qu’elles précèdent le texte principal (lettre dédicatoire), qu’elles s’y intrègrent ou qu’elles le suivent (troisième session: Le genre épistolaire: contours et porosités).

Les propositions de communication seront adressées à Hélène Sirantoine avant le 1er octobre 2012.

Organisation des séances

1. La lettre, lieu d’une individualité ?
Qui écrit ?
L’authentification de la lettre
Spontanéité et niveaux langagiers
Lettre et affect
Un « substitut de la personne » ?

2. Les stratégies littéraires de l’epistola
La normativité épistolaire
Ecrire pour informer
Ecrire pour commander
Ecrire pour enseigner
Ecrire pour ‘exister’

3. Le genre épistolaire : contours et porosités
Lettre et diplomatique ; rescripts et décrétales
Lettre et historiographie
La lettre-traité
La lettre dédicatoire

Journées d'Études "Espaces frontaliers: zones de contact / zones de conflit".

Espaces frontaliers: Zones de contact / zones de conflit?
3e journées d’études «Frontières»

Université de Liège (Belgique), Jeudi et vendredi 25 et 26 avril 2013.

* Appel à communication *

The border, wrote Daniel Nordman, is a notion, not an object, a flabby or sluggish thing. It has no real meaning without the words, figurations, concepts used to describe it. In other words, nothing but imagination, oratory art, military strategy, human ambitions and feelings are filling it with sense and signification, which are in turn giving it some existence. People, who through centuries thought about, explained and reinvented borders, probably exerted a greater influence on space perception and organization than those who marked and delimitated them, should the space to investigate be in the political, religious, social and economical, or cultural areas. However, the field or study-cubicle actors, who imagined territorial borders before giving them concrete delimitations, had, for the most part, never to experience them in their daily life. Their purely theoretical relation with “borders” must be supplemented by the testimony of those who were directly involved or challenged by their fixation. The “border areas” thus created must attract the attention of researchers on account of their differences with the core and central areas, and also as, with the passing of time, they reveal themselves as zones of contact and exchange but also as sources of conflicts. 
The Interuniversity Study Days “Borders” organized by and at the Liege University have as main goal to provide an annual report on the state and advancement of research on the notion of frontier, border and dividing lines in a diachronic and multidisciplinary perspective. Starting with the concept itself (Frontières fixes et mouvantes, espaces, temps imaginaires, April 2011), they were devoted in May 2012 to the historical context of their creation and to the circumstances making their tracing evolve (Penser la frontière entre Meuse et Rhin). The young researchers involved in the project now intend to turn their attention to the men and women who lived or are still living on the border fringes of a fixed territory, to those who guarded, violated or trespassed limits (of all sorts). How did they feel, react or simply bow in submission to the changes in border-tracing or to the way in which the changes were presented to them or forced upon them? Two study days will thus be devoted to an approach of “Border”, seen as an area of encounters, of material and cultural exchanges, of political and social regroupings or mixing, or, to the contrary, as an area of political, economical , military and cultural confrontations and ruptures. 
All researchers in Human Sciences, in the broad sense (History, History of Art, Politics and Government, Philology, Linguistics, Ethnology, Sociology, Law, or more) interested in establishing a fertile interdisciplinary dialogue are thus cordially invited to take part in the meeting, which will be held at Liege University (Belgium) on April 25-26, 2013 (Thursday-Friday). The languages used during the proceedings will be French, English and German. Paper submissions (provisional title and a 20-lines summary) should be sent before September 15, 2012, to Anthony Digne and / or Christophe Bechet.

Novedad editorial: Musica e liturgia a Montecassino nel medioevo.

Musica e liturgia a Montecassino nel medioevo. Atti del Simposio internazionale di studi (Cassino, 9-10 dicembre 2010), a cura di Nicola Tangari, Roma, Viella 2012 (Scritture e libri del medioevo, 10).


N. Tangari (Università degli Studi di Cassino). Vent'anni di ricerca su musica e liturgia a Montecassino nel Medioevo
D. Hiley (Universität Regensburg). The Historia Sancte Caterine in manuscript Napoli, Biblioteca Nazionale XIII.G.24. The earliest proper office for St. Catherine of Alexandria?
A. Rusconi (Instituto Zelioli). Una enciclopedia di teoria musicale: per un'edizione di Montecassino 318
L. Albiero (Università degli Studi di Cassino). Frammenti liturgico-musicali nel Martirologio dell'Assunta di Arpino
G. Iversen (Stockholm University). Gloria in excelsis and its tropes and prosulas in Montecassino
L. Nardini (The University of Texas at Austin). Vir Dei Benedictus nei manoscritti liturgici beneventani e non beneventani
K. Livljanic (Université de Sorbonne). Dixit Isaac patri suo. How punctuation reflects musical composition in a Montecassino chant manuscript
M. Peattie (University of Cincinnati). Beneventan melodic symptoms in antiphons at Montecassino
B. Möller Jensen (Stockholm University). Non-biblical intropit antiphons in Cassinese liturgical sources
R. E. Reynolds (Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies). Liturgical legislation in the early medieval canon law collections of Montecassino
F. Zimei (Instituto Abruzze di Storia Musicale). Da Montecassino all'Umbria. A proposito del Planctus neumato scoperto dall'Inguanez
J.-F. Goudesenne (IRHT-CNRS). Montecassino-Glanfeuil-Paris: circulation et différenciation d'un corpus romano-bénédictin aux IXe-Xe s.: l'office de s. Maur
O. Gerlach (Istituto Storico Germanico). Byzantine chant and its local traditions in southern Italy before and after the reform of Desiderius, Abbot of Montecassino


viernes, 6 de julio de 2012

Novedad editorial: La producción i circulació de llibres clandestins des de l'antiguitat fins als nostres dies.

Actes de las segones Jornades Internacionals sobre historia del llibre i de la lectura, 20 i 21 d'octubre de 2010.

Jesús Alturo, Miquel Torras i Ainoa Castro (eds.).
Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2012
118 p. : il. ; 24 cm
Col·lecció Congressos (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona); 3
ISBN 9788449028403

Índice y presentación


La producción y circulación de libros clandestinos desde la Antigüedad hasta nuestros días. Segundas Jornadas Internacionales sobre Historia del Libro y de la Lectura; 20 y 21 de octubre de 2010.- En mayo de 2006, fruto de la colaboración entre el Seminari de Paleografia, Codicologia i Diplomàtica de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona y el Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya (Sant Cugat del Vallès–Barcelona), se inició la celebración regular de unas Jornadas Internacionales que acercasen tanto a profesionales del sector (profesores, archiveros, bibliotecarios, licenciados y estudiantes de doctorado) como a interesados independientes al mundo del libro y la transmisión de la cultura libraria. Aquella primera reunión, con el título El libro y la lectura de la Antigüedad a la época moderna, consiguió cumplir con los objetivos marcados gracias a las conferencias magistrales de los mejores especialistas en el tema a tratar, como son el Dr. Guglielmo Cavallo, Dr. Jean Vezin, Dr. Albert Derolez, Dr. Frederic Barbier, Dra. Mª José Azevedo Santos y Dr. Anscari M. Mundó. Atendiendo a la buena acogida y al interés demostrado ya entonces en la materia presentada, y con la misma intención de fomentar el debate y la investigación científica, el pasado mes de octubre tuvo lugar la segunda edición de estas Jornadas. Después de las palabras de bienvenida al acto a cargo del director del Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya, Dr. Josep Maria Sans i Través, el profesor Dr. Jesús Alturo i Perucho, director del Seminari, dió inicio a la celebración de esta segunda reunión remarcando la importancia de la iniciativa, el interés del tema (el proceso entre el libro concebido y el libro recibido) y la competencia de los ponentes. La primera ponencia de la jornada, con el título El miedo a la libertad de expresión en el mundo clásico: O homines, ad servitutem paratos!, corrió a cargo de la Dra. Elisa Ruíz (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). Tras revisar el concepto de censura, nos ofreció un planteamiento genérico de los primeros testimonios referentes a este fenómeno sociológico, analizando su aplicación en el marco de la religión, Estado y sociedad de la Grecia y Roma clásicas. Su intervención, un elaborado prólogo a la temática de estas Jornadas, fue completada con la conferencia a cargo del profesor Dr. Ramón Teja y la profesora Dra. Mar Marcos (Universidad de Cantabria), que bajo el título Quema y circulación clandestina de libros en la Antigüedad Tardía en el ámbito de la polémica cristianismo-paganismo, trataron en primer lugar sobre los primeros actos de censura de libros en la antigua Roma en relación con el control del poder (político, religioso y social), que reflejan ya la importancia de la cultura escrita; y, en segundo lugar, la censura sufrida por los libros de los cristianos y la misma actitud que éstos adoptaron posteriormente frente a los libros heréticos, ordenando la destrucción de sus obras.  Además, el prof. Dr. Ramón Teja nos habló también sobre el concepto de libros de magia, y la actitud similar que se tenía hacía ellos. A continuación, el profesor Dr. Fabio Troncarelli (Universidad de Viterbo) profundizó en la cuestión de la damnatio memoriae (La circolazione dei libri proibiti tra censura e remorzione) a través del ejemplo de la condena de Boecio y su obra por parte de Teodorico, abriendo un interesante debate sobre el carácter, la personalidad y los motivos de los ejecutores de la censura.  El primer día de estas Jornadas se cerró con la intervención del profesor Dr. Juan Carlos Galende (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), sobre El control inquisitorial en materia de libros prohibidos durante la Edad Moderna, repasando ejemplos concretos estudiados a través de la documentación conservada (índices de libros prohibidos, autos de fe, visitas y licencias pastorales). La primera sesión del segundo día corrió a cargo de la profesora Dra. María Josefa Gallofré (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), que bajo el título Entre la proscripció, la tolerància i la propaganda: llibres en l’entorn totalitari europeo, nos  reconstruyó la censura ejecutada por los nazis sobre territorio francés ocupado y las medidas del régimen franquista en territorio catalán. En el mismo marco cronológico, la profesora Dra. Irene Vaquinhas (Universidad de Coimbra) con su ponencia Los peligros de la lectura en femenino: de los libros prohibidos a los libros aconsejados (siglos XIX y XX), nos habló sobre el control de la lectura a las mujeres, limitadas supuestamente por su debilidad y falta de inteligencia a leer aquellas obras denominadas “rosa” para evitar que la lectura de otro tipo de obras afectase a la moral y corrompiese su papel social establecido. La conferencia de clausura de estas Segundas Jornadas Internacionales sobre Historia del Libro y de la Lectura, corrió a cargo del profesor Dr. Anscari M. Mundó (Institut d’Estudis Catalans) sobre L’ús monàstic i litúrgic d’obres prohibides malgrat la censura, centrada en los libros bíblicos considerados apócrifos por la tradición cristiana. Esperamos poder contar pronto con las correspondientes Actas de las Jornadas, que serán publicadas, como en el caso de las primeras, por el Seminari de Paleografia, Codicologia i Diplomàtica de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona y el Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya.

Novedad editorial: La escritura visigótica en la Península Ibérica: nuevas aportaciones.

Actas de la Jornada Internacional organizada por el Seminari de Paleografia, Codicologia i Diplomàtica de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 26 mayo 2010.

Jesús Alturo, Miquel Torras i Ainoa Castro (eds.).
Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2012
181 p. : il. ; 24 cm
Col·lecció Congressos (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona); 3
ISBN 9788449028625

La escritura visigótica fue el alfabeto en que se transmitió buena parte de los textos literarios y paraliterarios en la península Ibérica y aun en una extensa zona ultrapirenaica durante los siglos medios. No podemos olvidar lo escrito en tan amplio territorio durante tan largo tiempo, ni desentendernos, por consiguiente, de la escritura visigótica, que goza de una larga y fecunda tradición de estudios paleográficos. En este libro se ha querido abordar la problemática de las características formales, tanto morfológicas como braquigráficas, de esta escritura en sus diversas modalidades regionales y en sus más antiguas manifestaciones, pues, poco a poco, se ha ido diferenciando la escritura visigótica septimana, la catalana, la aragonesa, la riojana, la leonesa, la castellana, la mozárabe, la portuguesa, y veremos también pronto si la gallega tiene personalidad propia.

XIIIe congrès de la Commission Internationale de Diplomatique.

Les formulaires. Compilation et circulation des modèles d'actes dans l'Europe médiévale et moderne.

Organisé par l´École nationale des chartes, l´École pratique des hautes études et le GDR "Diplomatique" du CNRS, avec le concours des Archives nationales.

Paris, 3-4 septembre 2012.


Lundi 3 septembre

9.00-9.30        Accueil et ouverture.
9.30-10.45      Formulaires du haut Moyen Âge. 

Modérateur: Josiane Barbier.

Alice Rio, Les formulaires mérovingiens et carolingiens: survie et transmission.
Sarah Gross-Luttermann, Die Formulae imperiales und die Urkunden Ludwigs des Frommen.
Peter Erhart, L'influence des formulaires sur la production documentaire en Alamannia.
Miguel Calleja Puerta, Las "Fórmulas Visigóticas" y su reflejo en la documentación altomedieval astur-leonesa.

11.15-12.30    Formulaires des notariats traditionnels.

Modérateur: Maria Milagros Carcel Orti.

Irmgard Fees, Das Formular der Tauschurkunde im europäischen Vergleich (8. bis 12. Jahrhundert).
Ignasi Baiges, Les conventions matrimoniales catalanes: formules et documents (XIIIe-XVe siècle).
Daniel Piñol Alabart, Formularios notariales en las notarías parroquiales de la diócesis de Tarragona: siglos XIII-XVIII.

14.15-16.00    Formulaires du notariat savant.

Modérateur: Andreas Meyer

Giovanni Feo, Les formulaires bolonais.
Silio Scalfati, Les formulaires toscans d'ars notaria.
Maria Luisa Pardo, Teoría y práctica notarial en  la época de Alfonso X el Sabio: la III Partida.
Pilar Ostos, Las Notas del Relator: un formulario castellano del siglo XV.
Gabor Dreska, Das Formularbuch des Notars Johann Magyi aus dem 15. Jahrhundert.
Reyes Rojas García, De la práctica diaria a la teoría de los formularios notariales: comercio y mercado en la Sevilla del siglo XVI.

16.30   Réunion du bureau de la CID.

Mardi 4 septembre

9.30-10.45      À la recherche des formulaires perdus: le cas portugais.

Modérateur: Maria Josefa Sanz Fuentes.

Maria Helena Coelho et Maria do Rosário Barbosa Morujão, Formules et formulaires – réflexion sur la rédaction des documents au Portugal pendant le Moyen Âge.
José Marques, Des chartes aux formulaires au nord du Portugal : analyse typologique dans le contexte culturel des XIe-XIIIe siècles.
Cristina Cunha, The formularies influence on documental production in the diocese of Braga: juridical and diplomatic culture (XIc. – XIVc.).
Maria João Oliveira Silva, The formularies and the study of the diplomatic and juridical culture : the charters of the diocese of Porto (XIIth-XIVth centuries).

11.15-12.15    Usage des formulaires dans les chancelleries princières, 14e-15e siècles.

Modérateur: Walter Prevenier.

Olivier Mattéoni, L'influence des formulaires royaux français dans les chancelleries princières (Bourbonnais et Berry) aux années 1360-1430.
Michael Jones, Formulaires d'actes ducaux bretons du XVe siècle.
Jonas Braekevelt, Un formulaire de la chancellerie de Bourgogne-Habsbourg (ca. 1458-1484): instrument pour l’assise d’ambitions princières et point de repère lors de crises dynastiques.

14.15-16.00    Formulaires pontificaux et royaux, 13e-16e siècle.

Modérateur: Peter Herde.

Andreas Meyer, Die spätmittelalterlichen Libri cancellariae apostolicae als Formelbücher.
Marie Bláhová, Die Formularsammlungen in den přemyslidischen Böhmen (13. Jh.).
Ivan Hlavacek, Formelbücher des luxemburgischen Böhmen.
Mª Josefa Sanz Fuentes, Formularios de la cancillería Real Castellano-leonesa en la Baja Edad Media.
Kornel Szovak, Funktion und Formen der Formelbücher des Ungarischen Königtums im Mittelalter.
Olivier Poncet, Les formulaires français des secrétariats d'État au XVIe siècle, reflet du temps des troubles (v. 1560-v. 1610) : étude des registres Arch. nat., O1 271, et Bibl. nat. Fr., fr. 5809).

16.00-16.30    En guise de conclusion.

O. Guyotjeannin - L. Morelle - S. Scalfati

16.30   Assemblée générale de la CID.

Comité scientifique: Julia Barrow, Maria Milagros Carcel Orti, Peter Herde, Theo Kölzer, Andreas Meyer, Giovanna Nicolaj, Walter Prevenier, Lazslo Solymosi.
Co-organisateurs: Olivier Guyotjeannin, Laurent Morelle, Silio Scalfati.

Source: APILIST 

VII Seminario de Historia Medieval: Cultura y creación científica y literaria en la Edad Media.

Centro Asociado de la UNED - Segovia
25, 26 y 27 de septiembre de 2012.

Este Seminario tiene como finalidad ofrecer una aproximación a diferentes parcelas de la cultura y de la producción científica y literaria de época medieval. Para ello se contará con la presencia de varios medievalistas, que son reconocidos especialistas en las distintas áreas de estudio e investigación de la Edad Media (Historia, Historia de la Literatura, Historia de la Filosofía) que serán abordadas en este coloquio.

El Seminario está abierto a cuantas personas estén interesadas en la temática de estudio, y de manera muy especial a los estudiantes de la Licenciatura en Historia y del Grado en Geografía e Historia de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia.

[Matrícula: 30€]


25 de septiembre de 2012, martes.
17,30 horas Dr. D. Andrés MARTÍNEZ LORCA, Catedrático de Filosofía Medieval (UNED): La renovación del pensamiento medieval: entre la ortodoxia religiosa y el racionalismo filosófico.
19,00 horas Dra. Dª María del Pilar RÁBADE OBRADÓ, Profesora Titular de Historia Medieval (Universidad Complutense de Madrid): Las universidades medievales: orígenes y
aspectos organizativos.

26 de septiembre de 2012, miércoles.
17,30 horas Dr. D. José Miguel LÓPEZ VILLALBA, Profesor Titular de Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas (UNED): Vivir en la aventura. Fantasía y realidad en la caballería andante medieval. 

19,00 horas Dra. Dª Cristina ÁLVAREZ MILLÁN, Profesora Contratada Doctora de Historia Medieval (UNED): Los conocimientos médicos en la Edad Media 27 de septiembre de 2012, jueves.

17,00 horas Dr. D. Miguel Ángel PÉREZ PRIEGO, Catedrático de Literatura Española (UNED): Temas y formas de la cultura popular en el “Libro de buen amor”.
18,30 horas Dra. Dª Ana ARRANZ GUZMÁN, Profesora Titular de Historia Medieval (Universidad Complutense de Madrid): Una explosión de vida y cultura: el mundo de los goliardos.


26 de septiembre de 2012, miércoles.
10,30 h. Desde la Plaza del Azoguejo visita a la Necrópolis judía de Segovia.
27 de septiembre de 2012, jueves.
10,30 h. Visita al Museo Casa de la Moneda. Al finalizar el Seminario, se ofrecerá a los participantes un vino de clausura.


Source: UNED

jueves, 5 de julio de 2012

48th International Congress on Medieval Studies: Books have their histories.

Medieval Chronicles and Their Scribes, Manuscripts, and Early Editions – In Memory of Lister M. Matheson

International Medieval Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, Michigan. May 9-12, 2013.

Deadline: September 15, 2012

Lister Matheson (1948-2012; Professor of English and Medieval Studies, Michigan State University) was a major scholar in many fields, but two of his most important scholarly legacies lie in the arenas of medieval chronicle studies (including the Middle English Prose Brut and the relation of chronicles to medieval literary traditions) and early book and manuscript studies (in a wide variety of content areas, from historical writing and popular legends to scientific texts and ownership/biographical studies). He was a frequent and fondly-remembered participant in many Medieval Congresses over the years, both as a speaker and as an organizer and chair of sessions.

Papers for these memorial sessions should be united by the broad theme of the medieval presentation of history and the codicological settings through which that history was transmitted. Papers may focus on various aspects of later medieval chronicles; manuscripts and printed texts linked to medieval historical writings; the scribes, printers, owners, or commissioners of such texts; and similar topics. As Professor Matheson's own work has shown, a full understanding of medieval historical texts demands attention to both the content of the works in question - which could vary quite significantly depending on the needs or interests of the users of those texts - and the material circumstances of producing those works. Papers illuminating these connections should be of interest to historians, literary specialists, and/or early book scholars, inter alia.

Proposals should be no longer than 400 words and must clearly indicate the significance, line of argument, principal texts and relation to existing scholarship (if possible). 

Source: CFP

Digital epigraphy beyond the Classical: creating (inter?)national standards for recording modern and early modern gravestones.

Institute of Classical Studies Digital Seminar 2012.

Friday July 6th at 16:30, in Room G22/26, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU.


Early modern and modern gravestones are a vast but rapidly decaying historical resource for the period from the 16th century to the present day. Processes of weathering, deliberate or accidental damage, the re-use of cemeteries and the uprooting and rearranging of monuments (such as the practice of removing stones from their original positions and stacking them around the edges of walls) all have an impact on both the size and the scholarly value of this body of evidence. Countless records have already been lost, which makes it particularly important to address as soon as possible the question of how to record and publish these monuments systematically and usefully.

Currently there are no agreed standards for recording such gravestones. Interested historians and volunteers in some churches or local areas have recorded their own particular monumental inscriptions, and have made these available on microfiche, CD, or in a basic form online. Typically these records only include the text itself; very rarely there might be a photograph, but almost never is any metadata recorded about the monument. The nature of these recorded examples is thus very fragmentary and inconsistent.

The experience of projects using EpiDoc and other shared standards for the recording and publication of ancient and medieval inscribed materials has shown that there is considerable value in agreeing a set of guidelines for encoding and publication. This applies to materials that span a variety of languages, geographical areas, and centuries. It is clear that many, if not most, of the standards described in the EpiDoc guidelines are appropriate for, and directly applicable to, the recording and publication of modern gravestones. This paper investigates what is required in order to make these standards a viable method of recording such a large body of data, where many of those doing the recording are not experts in epigraphy.

It is clear that considerable thought must be given to what is asked of those who are responsible for recording the monuments, and how this can best be balanced with the need to produce a scholarly resource that will be useful for local historians, genealogists and other interested parties, as well as to people who would define themselves as epigraphers and archaeologists. Crucially, the system must make it sufficiently simple to input the data, but must also ensure that the resulting records are sufficiently detailed and useful for enabling in-depth research to be undertaken. This paper discusses these challenges and suggests solutions with a view to designing a pilot project for a national (and potentially international) system for recording and publishing gravestone evidence.

Next Seminars

Jul 13 Maggie Robb (KCL) Digitising the Prosopography of the Roman Republic.

The history of the Roman republic is the history of a highly competitive aristocratic elite, which oversaw Rome’s remarkable transformation from middling Italian city-state to ruler of a world empire. This project seeks to enhance our understanding of the structure and dynamics of this elite, including its familial composition, office-holding patterns, and internal hierarchies. The importance of these questions has long been recognised and a great deal of the basic information about the prosopography of the Roman elite has already been collated in various scholarly works. However, because of the sheer scale and complexity of the material it has not yet been practicable to subject it to a comprehensive analysis that integrates multiple, interrelated factors such as individual ‘career’ patterns, family continuity, cross-familial links, and connections with elite families outside the office-holding group. It is only with the arrival of digital technology this has become a possibility and simply by applying such tools to the material the project will break important new ground.
A searchable digital database comprising all known members of the republican elite will open up radically new opportunities for revisiting old questions as well as asking entirely new ones that have not previously been considered, mostly on grounds of feasibility. The project sets out to analyse in much greater depth than has previously been possible the structure of public careers, the success or failure of family lines, as well as the influence of the lateral connections that existed between aristocratic families. A significant new departure for the project will be the application of a more holistic approach to the Roman elite as a whole, which extended well beyond the leading families of the nobility. Although these have naturally attracted most scholarly attention, they cannot be viewed in isolation. It is impossible to make sense of the composition of the elite without taking into account not only the lower ranks of the senate but also the fluid boundaries that existed between the two highest orders, the senatorial and the equestrian. These groups were closely integrated socially and for the first time the project seeks to map systematically the links, e.g. through marriage, that bound them together and the movements that happened between them. These studies will help us examine the question whether the office-holding elite constituted a ‘class’ and how large it may have been.

Jul 20 Paolo Monella (Centro Linceo, Roma) In the Tower of Babel: modelling primary sources of multi-testimonial textual transmissions.

The process of creating a scholarly edition of a literary work and its textual tradition is based upon a comparison (collatio) of the representations of the text in different primary sources.
In order to do so, a digital scholarly edition must rely on digital modelling of primary sources, formalised in a way that allows the computer to compare them.
As highlighted by scholars such as Tito Orlandi and Raul Mordenti, a problem under this respect is posed by the fact that each witness within a textual tradition (a papyrus, manuscript, early print edition etc.) implements a different encoding system to represent the same text. Discrepancies between such systems range from non-overlapping alphabets (e. g., in Latin, the existence of a u/v or i/j distinction) to other handwriting or print conventions (including punctuation, capitalisation, scribal abbreviations, word boundaries, use of space on the page etc.).
In order to make the representations of the text of different primary sources digitally comparable, a uniform layer of digital modelling of each witness' text is necessary.
TEI markup implies this 'alphabetic regularisation', while providing methods for encoding relevant idiosyncratic scribal conventions. Ideally, however, for each textual witness
  1. one layer (A) should model its graphical representation of the text, mirroring its specific encoding system (alphabet, writing conventions etc.). This should constitute our digital representation of the witness' graphical representation of the text;
  2. a second layer (B) should constitute our digital representation of the text of that witness;
The two modelling layers should be formally and explicitly distinct, though interrelated. For instance, where a Latin manuscript has a “qq”-like abbreviation for “quoque” the philologist:
  1. should use a specific digital convention to encode the abbreviation in layer A (e. g. an XML entity specific for the modelling of that manuscript, like &AbbrQuoque;)
  2. then, should recognise that abbreviation as the representation, in the scribe's graphical encoding system, of “quoque” (as an entity within the Latin linguistic system shared by the scribe and the philologist), and provide – in layer B – a representation of that portion of the text in their own digital encoding system (e. g. a sequence of Unicode keys like #0071 for “q”, #0075 for “u” etc.).
In addition to exposing these views and discussing the related open issues, in my talk I shall explore how TEI P5 can address the theoretical modelling issues sketched above.
These theoretical issues have a direct impact on the creation of digital scholarly editions of ancient texts with multi-testimonial textual traditions – a field that still counts few projects, particularly in Classical literatures. Also, the larger and more ambitious frame encompassing this enquiry is the long-term goal of integrating representations of primary sources in the existing TEI-encoded corpora of ancient texts through a standard and interoperable, yet theoretically grounded, model.

Source: DM