lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012

9th Conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship 2012.

On November 22-24, 2012 the Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands organizes the 9th conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship. This conference, which will take place in Amsterdam, will be an international academic forum for communication between different approaches to historical and literary source editing.
It aims at bringing together academics working in disciplines that have so far worked within independently operating scholarly traditions, promoting innovative, multidisciplinary exchange and dialogue. The Call for Papers is now available.


The 9th Conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship 2012

Editing Fundamentals: Historical and Literary Paradigms in Source Editing

Amsterdam, November 22-24, 2012

Deadline for paper proposal submissions: May 15, 2012

Keynote speakers:
Manfred Thaller (University of Cologne)
Godfried Croenen (University of Liverpool) Andrew Jewell (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)

The 9th conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship will be an international academic forum for communication between different approaches to historical and literary source editing. Edited source texts, documents and databases are essential to literary, political, historical scholarship, as well as to social studies, art history, music, philosophy or theology. The conference aims at bringing together academics working in disciplines that have so far worked within independently operating scholarly traditions, promoting innovative, multidisciplinary exchange and dialogue. The conference will examine the transformation of traditional editorial practice into a digital environment and the creation of innovative opportunities like the use of digital tools and media.

Scholars of any discipline related to editing texts and data nowadays have at their disposal almost limitless possibilities to present texts and data to the public. Traditionally reflection and practice show seemingly different approaches to textual scholarship and documentary editing of historical sources. The aim of this conference is to debate these topics and to strive for a common approach towards the challenges of publishing. Key concepts are heuristic, selection, representativeness and presentation to the user.

The conference is organized by the European Society for Textual Scholarship (ESTS) and the Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands (Huygens ING), a Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences institute.

For more information about appropriate subjects and practical details, please see. More information about registration and possibilities of accommodation will be published soon on a conference website.

Fuente: DM-l

Workshop. The electronic revolution? The impact of the digital on cataloguing.

June 7th-8th 2012.

Following the fruitful practice of other COMSt meetings, the third workshop of Team 4 - with the decisive contribution of Team 3 - will be conceived mainly in the form of a round table.
In the first session (coordinated by Team 4) - Electronic catalogues (flat; in a database; on-line; on DVD, etc.): a survey - after a theoretical introduction, the invited speakers, all involved in important electronic cataloguing projects, will be required to report briefly (10-15 min. each) on the state of the art of this topic, presenting examples of various formats of digital catalogues, in order to have a wide idea of their characteristics and "philosophy". A discussion among all the participants will follow.
The second session (coordinated by Team 4) - Benefits and disadvantages of different "models" of electronic catalogues: printed catalogues transformed into electronic catalogues; printed catalogues transformed into online databases; ad hoc designed electronic catalogues (checklists, analytical catalogues, etc.) - again after a theoretical introduction, will focus on what an electronic catalogue can do that a printed catalogue cannot and vice versa. The discussion will be open to all participants, who will expose their specific experience and their own opinions.
The third session (coordinated by Team 3) - Hypercatalogues and portals - will address the basic ideas of hypercatalogues and portals that render access to distributed manuscript repositories and the like. It will consist of a demonstration of existing hypercatalogues such as Manuscripta Medievalia and a basic outline of the technical background (esp. ontology-based metadata schemes such as MARC or METS) and will end up in a discussion of requirements in the field of Oriental manuscript cataloguing.
Lastly, the fourth and last session (coordinated by Team 3) - the Practical session - will start with an introduction to the TEI's manuscript description module and to the XML software (about 45 min.). The rest of the time will be spent asking some "volunteers" to encode a catalogue entry or a description of a manuscript practically. This will show clearly the difficulties and the choices that a cataloguer faces when he/she opts for an electronic catalogue.

The meeting is open for everyone to attend.


X Congreso da Asociación Internacional de Estudos Galegos.

Cardiff/Caerdydd (Reino Unido),
12–14 de setembro de 2012.


Nas máis de tres décadas de existencia da AIEG, os estudos galegos viñeron a consolidarse como supradisciplina na que cada vez atopan acubillo máis eidos do saber. Nunha realidade social cada vez máis complexa e cambiante, a variedade de puntos de vista, ferramentas e discursos son necesarios para acadar novas formas de pensar ‘Galiza’. Esta visión multidisciplinar vén propiciando colaboracións entre o ámbito académico, cultural, político e social radicado en Galiza con colegas que desenvolven o seu labor noutros recantos do planeta, moitas veces albiscando puntos de conexión e fricción entre distintas nacións subestatais e periféricas.
Aproveitando o marco da capital galesa de Caerdydd (Cardiff, no seu nome en inglés), o X Congreso da AIEG “Galiza alén do Arco Atlántico: unha visión multidisciplinar dos estudos galegos“ busca servir de plataforma desde a que contribuír a desenvolver unhas liñas de diálogo tematicamente transversais e interdisciplinarias sobre Galiza no contexto do Arco Atlántico, mais tamén facéndose extensíbeis a outros ámbitos periféricos e de minorías, e ao marco global en xeral.

O X Congreso da AIEG persegue converterse en plataforma desde a que facer un balance do estado dos estudos académicos internacionais e galegos sobre todo tipo de temáticas e liñas de estudo relacionadas con Galiza, de xeito que encete un diálogo entre aqueles traballos realizados por especialistas provenientes de fóra do país, con aqueloutros desenvolvidos dentro do sistema académico e científico galego.
O primeiro obxectivo do X Congreso da AIEG é contribuír ao proceso de apertura dos estudos galegos a novas áreas de coñecemento, de xeito que xunto á reflexión sobre temáticas máis tradicionais como a literatura, a historia ou a lingua galega, se potencie a presenza de disciplinas e perspectivas de análise de incorporación máis recente aos estudos galegos. É por iso que se lle dará benvida a ámbitos temáticos como:
Dereito, economía, política, filosofía, socioloxía, educación, arquitectura, belas artes, audiovisual, artes plásticas, deportes, turismo, musicoloxía, historia da arte, estudos culturais, estudos de tradución, antropoloxía, etnografía, gastronomía, ciencias da comunicación, tecnoloxías da información, ciencias da saúde, ciencias naturais e ecoloxismo, teoría feminista, estudos de xénero, estudos queer, estudos poscoloniais e das minorías, literatura, historia e xeografía, lingüística e lingua galega.
O segundo obxectivo do X Congreso da AIEG é o de afondar na promoción cultural, intelectual e científica das identidades culturais/nacionais que comparten a franxa atlántica, identificando desafíos do presente e a proposta de estratexias coas que facerlles fronte. Máis especificamente, a localización do congreso en Cardiff/Caerdydd hase aproveitar para compartir metodoloxías e experiencias entre Gales e Galiza co propósito de destacar algunhas vías de xestión, mobilización e organización de proxectos en común, no marco dunha comparativa das experiencias das dúas nacións subestatais no contexto da Europa actual. En consecuencia, entre as liñas de estudo que se abordarán ao longo do congreso atópanse as seguintes:

• Os estudos galegos na confluencia interdisciplinar do século XXI
• Galiza no Arco Atlántico: desafíos para a promoción cultural das nacións subestatais no século XXI
• Gales e Galiza: paralelismos, diverxencias e retos de futuro.

Con todo, ao lado disto no X Congreso da AIEG terán cabida todo tipo de temáticas e liñas de estudo relacionadas con Galiza.

miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2012

Cursos. Escuela de verano UCM. Documentación y escritura: paleografía, diplomática y archivística.

Director: Dr. D. Juan Carlos Galende Díaz.

Coordinadores: Dra. Dª Susana Cabezas Fontanilla y Dr. D. Nicolás Ávila Seoane.

Fechas y horario: Del 9 al 27 de julio de 2012. Tardes de 16:00 a 21:00 horas.

Nº de plazas: 40

Nº de créditos de libre configuración: 7,5 (sólo alumnos UCM)

Nº de créditos de grado: 3 (solo alumnos UCM).

Lugar de celebración: Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Precio de la matrícula: 750 Euros.

Ayudas: Las de carácter general.

Perfil del alumno: Está orientado preferentemente a estudiantes universitarios que cursen disciplinas relacionadas con el Área de Conocimiento de Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas, así como a cualquier persona que necesite consultar las fuentes escritas conservadas en archivos y bibliotecas.

Congreso interdisciplinar AHLIST 2012. *Call for papers*

27 al 29 de junio de 2012,
Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Los principales temas del presente congreso son la creación, la innovación y la reinvención, aunque no se limita sólo a ellos. Naciones, comunidades, grupos e individuos han participado dinámicamente en el proceso de invención y reinvención artística, cultural, digital, histórica, literaria, científica y tecnológica; a la par, son cada vez más conscientes de su habilidad para inventar y reinventar, dar forma y transfigurar el arte, la historia, la literatura, la ciencia, la sociedad y la tecnología. El objetivo de estos temas es analizar, usando aproximaciones interdisciplinares, el rumbo de acción mediante el cual los individuos y las comunidades han ido desarrollando su creación, su innovación y su reinvención.
Invitamos a participar tanto a paneles en grupo como comunicaciones individuales en los temas mencionados; pero, además, daremos plena consideración a cualquier otra propuesta dentro del amplio campo ofrecido en la presente convocatoria de AHLIST.

Las propuestas se podrán escribir en inglés, español o portugués, y han de enviarse a ahlist1 (at) hasta el 1 de abril de 2012.

Los temas y las áreas de interés incluyen las siguientes propuestas, pero no sólo se
limitan a ellas:

1. Literatura, Tecnología y Ciencia:
I) Tecnología, Ciencia y Literatura.
II) Ciencias cognitivas y literatura.
III) Ideología, Ciencia y Tecnología.
IV) Estudios de autor individuales o comparados.
V) Ficción, Poesía y Estudios Científicos.
VI) Literatura Digital o Hipertextual.
VII) Estudios de Medios de Comunicación Computarizada y Estudios de Humanidades.
2. Vínculos interdisciplinares entre Historia, Ciencia y Tecnología
I) Historia y Ciencia.
II) Cartografía histórica.
III) Nuevas Tecnologías y Arqueología.
IV) Restauración y conservación.
V) Archivos y bibliotecas online.
3. Tecnología, Educación y Lenguaje
I) Información tecnológica accesible en Educación.
II) Lingüística computacional; lexicografía computacional.
III) Paleografía y reconocimiento de patrones.
IV) Proyectos de Digitalización y análisis de imágenes documentales.
V) Recuperación de información, bases de datos e integración de datos.
VI) Tecnología y Humanidades, enseñanza e investigación.
VII) Clases virtuales, tecnología interactiva y aprendizaje del lenguaje.
VIII) Integración de métodos computacionales y teorías de investigación en humanidades.


jueves, 8 de marzo de 2012

Jornada de estudio: Lexicografia llatina medieval en xarxa.

16 de març,
Facultat de Filologia de la Universitat de Barcelona - CSIC Catalunya.


10:30h–13:30h, UB (Sala Gabriel Oliver, Facultad de Filología):
“Presente y futuro de la lexicografía latina medieval en red”
Mesa redonda - Mercè Puig Rodríguez-­Escalona (UB) (coord.)
- Corpus Documentale Latinum Gallaeciae, CODOLGA: Eduardo López Pereira (Universidad de La Coruña), José Manuel Díaz de Bustamante (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela / Centro Ramón Piñeiro)
- Lexicon Latinitatis Medii Aevi Regni Legionis: Maurilio Pérez González (Universidad de León), Estrella Pérez Rodríguez (Universidad de Valladolid)
- Corpus Documentale Latinum Valencie, CODOLVA: Juan Francisco Mesa Sanz, Antoni A. Biosca i Bas (Universidad de Alicante)
- Regnum Portucale: Paulo F. Alberto, Rodrigo Furtado (Universidad de Lisboa)

16:30h – 18:30h, IMF-­‐CSIC (Salón de Actos de la Delegación del CSIC):
Presentación del CODOLCAT (Corpus Documentale Latinum Cataloniae)
Pere J. Quetglas (UB), Ana Gómez Rabal (IMF-­‐CSIC), Marta Segarrés (UB), Pere Farró Sales

Fuente: CSIC

Course. Digital.Humanities@Oxford Summer School 2012.

The Digital.Humanities@Oxford Summer School (DHOXSS) 2012 is scheduled for the first week of July!

From the 2nd - 6th of July 2012 DHOXSS delegates visiting the University of Oxford, UK, will be introduced to a range of topics suitable for researchers, project managers, research assistants, and students who are interested in the creation, management, or publication of digital data in the humanities.

Delegates will follow one of our 5 day workshops on:

* An Introduction to XML and the Text Encoding Initiative
* Working with TEI Texts (Advanced)
* An Introduction to Digital Humanities Tools and Approaches
* A Humanities Web of Data: Publishing, Linking, Querying and Visualisation on the Semantic Web

Each day will also contain plenary guest lectures by experts in their fields, plus a number of sessions on a wide variety of Digital Humanities topics. There will be morning surgery sessions to discuss projects and possibilities with tutors. The summer school is a collaboration for Digital.Humanities@Oxford between Oxford University Computing Services (OUCS), Oxford e-Research Centre (OERC), with the assistance of the Humanities Division, the Bodleian Library, the Oxford Internet Institute, and e-Research South.

The Summer School will be located at Merton College, OUCS, and the OeRC, all of which situated in the centre of the city of Oxford, UK.

Booking for this event will open in April 2012 and more information can be found at:

including a general outline of the schedule, workshop descriptions, and registration fees. Further information will be published there as it becomes available.
@dhoxss on twitter

Conference: How the secularization of religious houses transformed the libraries of Europe, 16th-19th centuries.

22-24 March, 2012,
St Anne's College, Oxford.

The closure of religious houses, in varying circumstances, affected all of Europe at some point between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. At different times and in different countries the consequences for monastic libraries were widely varied, in some cases preserving medieval and early modern collections intact, in others abandoning books to their fate, or transferring them piecemeal into new ownership to serve different cultural purposes.

What impact did these historic changes have on the shape of libraries, access to libraries, and in particular on the preservation or otherwise of books from the past ---the intellectual heritage of Europe?


Conference: Seals and their Context in the Middle Ages.

27-29 April, 2012,
Aberystwyth University.

This conference seeks to explore the functions of seals in medieval Britain and Western Europe in the broadest possible context. Themes will include the use of seals in law and administration and the act of sealing, as well as questions relating to how, why and by whom seals were employed. A further important theme will be the manner in which seals relate to other sources: visual, material and documentary. Above all the conference will encourage debate amongst scholars operating from within different academic traditions.

More info

Conference: Medieval maps and diagrams.

9 March 2012,
The Warburg Institute (University of London, School of Advanced Study).

In the past, maps were defined as representations of the surface of the earth or a part of it, but modern cartographical theorists and map historians define maps more widely as forms of graphic representations facilitating ‘a spatial understanding of things, concepts, conditions, processes, or events’ (J. B. Harley and D. Woodward). This interdisciplinary workshop will explore the relationship between medieval maps and diagrams. Brief presentations (15 minutes each) will concentrate on specific examples, which will be discussed in view of wider topics such as the art of memory, divination, typology, and page layout. The concluding panel will be concerned with the underlying question of the relationship and distinctions between medieval diagrams and maps, with the ways in which they have been examined by scholars in the past, and with how they might be investigated in the future.


10.00 Doors Open, Registration
10.15 Peter Mack and Hanna Vorholt, Welcome and Introduction
Chair: Peter Tóth (Warburg Institute)
10.30 Catherine Delano-Smith (Institute of Historical Research, London)
One Image, Several Guises: the Mapping of the Desert Encampment (Numbers 2-3)
11.00 Peter Barber (British Library)
From Jerusalem to Alpine Pride: the Geographical Diagrams of Albrecht von Bonstetten of 1479
11.30 Coffee
Chair: Megan C. McNamee (Warburg Institute and University of Michigan)
12.00 Paul D. A. Harvey (University of Durham)
English Manorial Accounts: Their Visual Impact
12.30 Charles Burnett (Warburg Institute)
Mapping the Shoulderblade
13.00 Lunch
Chair: Michael Kauffmann (Courtauld Institute of Art and Warburg Institute)
14.00 Mary Carruthers (New York University and All Souls College, Oxford)
How the Tower of Wisdom Diagram Works
14.30 Sandy Heslop (University of East Anglia)
Typology as Diagram in the Stained Glass at Canterbury Cathedral
15.00 Jeffrey Hamburger (Harvard University)
Rhabanus redivivus: Berthold of Nuremberg’s Marian Supplement to De laudibus sanctae crucis
15.45 Tea
Chairs: Alessandro Scafi and Hanna Vorholt
17:45 Reception

For further information please contact the organisers, Hanna Vorholt and Alessandro Scafi.

More info
Source: APILIST.

viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012

CFP - Digital Philology: A Journal of Medieval Cultures, 2013 Open Issue.

~ Digital Philology: A Journal of Medieval Cultures ~

Call for Submissions, 2013 Open Issue

Digital Philology is a new peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of medieval vernacular texts and cultures. Founded by Stephen G. Nichols and Nadia R. Altschul, the journal aims to foster scholarship that crosses disciplines upsetting traditional fields of study, national boundaries and periodizations. Digital Philology also encourages both applied and theoretical research that engages with the digital humanities and shows why and how digital resources require new questions, new approaches, and yield radical results.

Beginning in 2012 Digital Philology will have two issues per year, published by the Johns Hopkins University Press. One of the issues will be open to all submissions, while the other one will be guest-edited and revolve around a thematic axis.

Contributions may take the form of a scholarly essay or focus on the study of a particular manuscript. Articles must be written in English, follow the 3rd edition (2008) of the MLA style manual, and be between 5,000 and 7,000 words in length, including footnotes and list of works cited. Quotations in the main text in languages other than English should appear along with their English translation.

Digital Philology is welcoming submissions for its 2013 open issue. Inquiries and submissions (as a Word document attachment) should be sent to, addressed to the Managing Editor (Albert Lloret). Digital Philology will also publish manuscript studies and reviews of books and digital projects. Correspondence regarding manuscript studies may be addressed to Jeanette Patterson at Correspondence regarding digital projects and publications for review may be addressed to Timothy Stinson at

Editors and Editorial Board:
Albert Lloret, Managing Editor (University of Massachusetts at Amherst)
Jeanette Patterson, Manuscript Studies Editor (Johns Hopkins University)
Timothy Stinson, Review Editor (North Carolina State University)
Nadia R. Altschul, Executive Editor (Johns Hopkins University)
Stephen G. Nichols and Nadia R. Altschul, Founding Editors (Johns Hopkins University)

Editorial Board:
Tracy Adams, University of Auckland
Benjamin Albritton, Stanford University
Nadia R. Altschul, Johns Hopkins University
R. Howard Bloch, Yale University
Kevin Brownlee, University of Pennsylvania
Jacqueline Cerquiglini-Toulet, University of Paris, Sorbonne - Paris IV
Suzanne Conklin Akbari, University of Toronto
Lucie Dolezalova, Charles University, Prague
Alexandra Gillespie, University of Toronto
Jeffrey Hamburger, Harvard University
Daniel Heller-Roazen, Princeton University
Jennifer Kingsley, Johns Hopkins University
Sharon Kinoshita, University of California, Santa Cruz
Joachim Küpper, Free University of Berlin
Deborah McGrady, University of Virginia
Christine McWebb, University of Waterloo
Stephen G. Nichols, Johns Hopkins University
Johan Oosterman, Radboud University Nijmegen
Timothy Stinson, North Carolina State University
Lori Walters, Florida State University

More info.


«Graphoskop», uno strumento informatico per l'analisi paleografica quantitativa.

«Graphoskop» è uno strumento paleografico elaborato al fine di agevolare il lavoro
critico dello storico della scrittura. Il plug-in, concepito come un’estensione del software open source «ImageJ» è in grado di rilevare dati quantitativi di tipo metrologico a partire da una rappresentazione digitale di una scrittura data. Il metodo quantitativo è quindi applicato per la valutazione complessiva di un singolo manoscritto (analisi paleografica e analisi della mise en page) e,allo stesso tempo, per la valutazione di un corpus più esteso. Il Graphoskop, infatti, esegue alcuni calcoli statistici di base sui dati raccolti e registra automaticamente tali informazioni su un foglio di calcolo. La messa a punto della metodologia quantitativa rende possibile l’utilizzo di osservazioni analitiche per studi di carattere sintetico. La procedura è quindi orientata alla ricostruzione di un panorama più ampio: identificare la nascita di un dato fenomeno e disegnarne la
curva della diffusione, per potersi interrogare più chiaramente sulle cause e modalità di tale evoluzione.

Enlace a la web de información y descarga de Graphoskop.
Más información.

Ver también: Castro, A. (2012), “The application of digital tools in the study of visigothic script in Galicia”, delivered at the workshop Methods and means for digital analysis of ancient and medieval texts and manuscripts, 2-3 April 2012. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.

Fuente: APILIST.

Exposición "Biblias de Sefarad : Las vidas cruzadas del texto y sus lectores".

Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional de España,
del 28 de febrero al 13 de mayo de 2012.

La Biblioteca Nacional de España acoge la exposición Biblias de Sefarad: las vidas cruzadas del texto y sus lectores, organizada por el Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CCHS) del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, y la Biblioteca Nacional de España, patrocinado por el European Research Council. Ha sido comisariada por D. Javier del Barco, licenciado en Filología Semítica, en Filología Hispánica y doctor en Filología Hebrea. Actualmente es científico titular del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) en el Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales de Madrid.

En el Judaísmo medieval, la Biblia hebrea constituye el eje central sobre el que gira la vida cultural y religiosa de los judíos de la península ibérica. Esta exposición explora la historia de la Biblia hebrea en España y su interrelación con los lectores y coleccionistas que las usaron, estudiaron y poseyeron, y acercar al visitante a los modos en que la Biblia hebrea era leída, interpretada y representada en la Edad Media. La esencia de la exposición está en los manuscritos que fueron producidos en la península ibérica, que fueron leídos por judíos y por conversos en la España medieval, y coleccionados después por distintos propietarios e instituciones españolas. La mayoría de los manuscritos que aquí se exhiben salen por primera vez de sus instituciones de origen, brindando así la posibilidad de conocerlos, observarlos y comprender un fragmento de la historia cultural de España.

La muestra está organizada en 8 secciones: La Biblia: que goza de un lugar central en la cultura sefardí. Aprendizaje: la lengua de la Biblia, el hebreo, pasa a ser objeto de estudio para emprender la tarea de su traducción. Liturgia: el texto sagrado es la base de la liturgia tanto pública como privada. Exégesis bíblica: sobre las interpretaciones del texto sagrado. Polémica: por las distintas interpretaciones. Razón y revelación: enfrentamiento entre ciencia y fe. Espacios de lectura y tipos de lectores: los distintos usos del texto bíblico y su influencia en la arquitectura, poesía, ornamentación… Coleccionismo en España: los manuscritos elegidos pretenden ser testimonio, en algunos casos, de permanencia, y en otros, de un viaje de ida y vuelta que refleja las propias vidas de sus lectores y poseedores.

Más información.

Fuente: APILIST.

Exposición "Lux in arcana – L’Archivio Segreto Vaticano si rivela".

Roma, Musei Capitolini,
del 29 de febrero al 9 de septiembre de 2012.

t will be the first and possibly the only time in history that they leave the confines of the Vatican City walls. And they will do so in order to be housed and displayed in the beautiful halls of the Capitoline Museums in Rome. One hundred original and priceless documents selected among the treasures preserved and cherished by the Vatican Secret Archives for centuries.

The exhibition which is conceived for the 4th Centenary of the foundation of the Vatican Secret Archives aims at explaining and describing what the Pope’s archives are and how they work and, at the same time, at making the invisible visible, thus allowing access to some of the marvels enshrined in the Vatican Secret Archives’ 85 linear kilometers of shelving; records of an extraordinary historical value, covering a time-span that stretches from the 8th to the 20th century.

The name, Lux in arcana, conveys the exhibition’s main objective: the light piercing through the Archive’s innermost depths enlightens a reality which precludes a superficial knowledge and is only enjoyable by means of direct and concrete contact with the sources from the Archive, that opens the doors to the discovery of often unpublished history recounted in documents. The exhibition is enriched by multimedia installations, guided by an intriguing but rigorous historical narration, to allow the visitor to experience some famous events from the past and to “re-live” the documents, that will come to life with tales of the context and the people involved.

The 100 documents, chosen among manuscript codices, parchments, strings and registers, will remain at the Capitoline Museums for nearly seven months, from 1st March till September 2012. An extremely prestigious location, chosen to host this memorable event since it underlines the profound bond existing between the city of Rome and the Papacy since medieval times; the origins of both institutions involved in the event trace their roots back to Sixtus IV’s artistic sensibility; however, at the same time, the history enshrined in the Vatican Secret Archives is intertwined with the history of Italy, Europe and the World as a whole.

The Vatican Secret Archives represent a cultural world heritage centered in the city of Rome; for this very reason the exhibition has been conceived in cooperation with Roma Capitale, Assessorato alle Politiche Culturali e Centro Storico - Sovraintendenza ai Beni Culturali di Roma and Zètema Progetto Cultura.

This memorable exhibition is already creating great expectations, fuelled by the mysterious fascination that the Vatican Secret Archives generate in the collective imagination.

All of the above will make Lux in arcana - The Vatican Secret Archives reveals itself an event of unprecedented scientific and media importance.

Más información.

Fuente: APILIST.

Congreso IX Encuentros Internacionales del medievo: Ser mujer en la ciudad medieval europea.

Nájera (La Rioja),
24-27 julio 2012.

Najera- Encuentros Internacionales del Medievo nació con la vocación -y de la necesidad- de convertirse en un foro académico del Medievalismo desde el que contribuir al conocimiento, la revisión y la puesta al día de la Historia Medieval, mediante un debate que reúne anualmente a distintos especialistas y a todos los interesados en los temas que sean objeto del mismo.
Los Encuentros Internacionales del Medievo en Najera enlazan, de esta manera, con la tradicional labor de difusión de los Estudios Históricos Medievales en esta ciudad riojana, que la sitúan entre las grandes ciudades del medievalismo europeo.


"O Convento e a Cidade: diálogo e confronto"

"La violencia contra las mujeres en la sociedad medieval: discursos y formas"

“Femmes de valeur: Filles, épouses et mères dans les familles de l'Italie médiévale"

“Cultures of reading in the medieval town”

"La ciudad de las mujeres: redes de espiritualidad femenina y mundo urbano (s. XIII-XV)"

“Some Reflections on Women, Work, and Family in the Later Medieval English Town

“Genre et relations intra-familiales dans les villes de l’Occident médiéval (XIIe-XVe siècles)”

“Las diversas realidades de la prostitución femenina en el mundo urbano medieval"

“O senhorio urbano das rainhas-consortes de Portugal (séculos XII-XV)"

“Los trabajos de las mujeres en la Edad Media. Una reflexión tras treinta años de Historia de las Mujeres”

“La historia de la mujer medieval en la actualidad: fortalezas y debilidades”

Más información.

Fuente: Sociedad Española de Estudios Medievales.

International colloquium: Archival Scribes in the Medieval West. Training, Careers, Connections. Programa.

Université de Namur (Bélgica).
2-4 mayo 2012.

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Mercredi 2 mai 2012


Xavier HERMAND, Jean-François NIEUS et Étienne RENARD, Introduction.

Solutions monastiques
Chantal SENSÉBY – Écrire et composer à Saint-Aubin d’Angers aux XIe et XIIe siècles : les scribes au travail.
Arnaud DELERCE – Écrire pour l’abbaye d’Aulps : pratiques diplomatiques et scribes des archives d’un monastère cistercien au diocèse de Genève du XIIe au XIVe siècle.
Bernard ANDENMATTEN et Nadia TOGNI – Scripteurs et production documentaire dans le Chablais médiéval : le « Minutarium Maius » de l’abbaye de St-Maurice d’Agaune (Suisse) (fin XIIIe – début XIVe siècle).

Parcours transversaux : entre Église, prince et ville
Jan W.J. BURGERS – À préciser [Allard de Haarlem, scribe à l’abbaye d’Egmond et à la chancellerie du comte de Hollande vers 1200].
Hélène DÉBAX – Heurs et malheurs d’un scribe seigneurial : Bernard Cota à Béziers (1160-1190).


Administrations princières I : l’Angleterre
Nicholas VINCENT – À préciser [Scribes des chartes royales sous Henri II].
Hugh DOHERTY – The Scribes of English Sheriffs and Itinerant Justices, 1154–1216.

Administrations princières II : la Flandre et le Hainaut
Thérèse DE HEMPTINNE – Les « breviatores », scribes de documents comptables des comtes de Flandre au XIIe siècle.

Els DE PAERMENTIER – Archival writing practices in the comital administration of Flanders (in the early 13th century).
Valeria VAN CAMP – Clercs, notaires, professionnels : le personnel de la chancellerie des comtes de Hainaut sous les Avesnes (1280-1345).

Jeudi 3 mai 2012


Administrations princières III : l’espace français et ses marges
Ghislain BRUNEL – Des scribes fantômes ? Écrire pour les laïcs en Soissonnais et en Laonnois (XIIe-XIIIe siècles).
Mathias BOUYER – Les secrétaires du duc de Bar : l’exemple de Clarin de Crépey (fin XIVe – début XVe siècle).
Thierry PÉCOUT – Au coeur de l’Archivium regium : scribes d’archives en Provence angevine (milieu XIIIe – fin XIVe siècle).

Administrations princières IV : l’Espagne
Ainoa CASTRO CORREA – Pedro Kendúlfiz and Sampiro : training, careers and relationship.
Francisco Javier ÁLVAREZ CARBAJAL – The notaries of the count of Luna at the end of the Middle Ages.


Contextes urbains I : le Nord
Caroline SIMONET – Le scribe à Laon et à Soissons : au service de l’Église, du roi et de la ville. Esquisses de carrières (XIIIe-XVe siècles).
Serge LUSIGNAN et Sébastien HAMEL – Les compétences linguistiques des clercs des villes du Nord.
Pierre-David KUSMAN – Le profil des clercs de la ville de Bruxelles au service des institutions de bienfaisance au XVe siècle : quand le secours aux pauvres soutient la carrière.

Contextes urbains II : le Sud
Gabriel POISSON – Un notaire et un notable : Guilhem del Bosc et le cartulaire de Pons de Capdenier (Toulouse, 1225-1128).
Andrea PUGLIA – Formation et activité des scribes dans l’Ouest toscan aux XIe et XIIe siècles (Pise, Lucques, Volterra).

Vendredi 4 mai 2012


Notaires I : L’Italie
Philippe LEFEUVRE – Le notariat rural dans le Chianti des XIIe et XIIIe siècles.
Timothy SALEMME – « Ego Anselmus Boccardus notarius sacri palatii tradidi et scripsi ». Le parcours professionnel et social d'un notaire milanais (2e moitié XIIIe siècle – début XIVe siècle).
Shona Kelly WRAY – Notarial Families and Households in 14th-Century Bologna.

Notaires II : le Portugal
Maria Cristina ALMEIDA E CUNHA et Maria João OLIVEIRA SILVA – « Publico notario, notario meo » : careers and connections of Portuguese scribes in Middle Ages.
Marisa COSTA – Le métier de notaire à Coïmbre : profils, carrières, statuts (1300-1350).


Notaires III : la France
Dominique BIDOT-GERMA – Les notaires d’archives de la principauté de Béarn au Moyen Âge (milieu XIIIe – début XVIe siècle) : essai prosopographique.
Isabelle BRETTHAUER – Figures de notaires bas-normands : profils sociaux et choix de carrière (1280-1520).

Écritures comptables
Jean-Marie YANTE – Du « scribe » au « comptable ». Profil en évolution ou émergence d’un nouvel acteur des écritures ?
Matthieu LEGUIL – Poinsot Guichart demeurant à Montréal ou la réussite par l’écrit dans un bourg ducal de Bourgogne à la fin du XIVe et au début du XVe siècle.
Isabelle THEILLER – Le comptable et son registre en Normandie orientale à la fin du Moyen Âge.
Paul BERTRAND – Conclusions.

Exposición "Verbum domini".

Città del Vaticano, Braccio di Carlo Magno,
del 1 de marzo al 15 de abril de 2012.

Verbum Domini is a new, interfaith exhibit of rare biblical texts and artifacts celebrating history’s most indestructible book—the Bible. Situated in the heart of Rome for Lent and Easter 2012, Verbum Domini was inspired by Pope Benedict XVI’s vision of renewed religious passion for the “Word of the Lord.”

Visitors to Verbum Domini will experience a one-of-a-kind assemblage of rare Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant and Jewish treasures arranged in a series of rooms that visually weave together the story of God’s Word throughout the ages.

The 5,000-square-foot exhibit at the Braccio di Carlo Magno museum in St. Peter’s Square brings together, for the first time under one roof, more than 150 items of great historical significance from The Green Collection—the world’s largest private collection of rare biblical texts and artifacts—and other private collections worldwide.

Más información.

Fuente: APILIST.

Workshop. Methods and means for digital analysis of ancient and medieval texts and manuscripts. Programa.

Leuven Catholic University (Bélgica).
2-3 abril 2012.

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2 April 2012 - Faculty Club, Leuven

9.30 - 10.00: Welcome (Frederik Truyen) + Introduction by the organizers (C. Macé / T. Andrews)

10.00 - 11.30: Codicology and Palaeography | Chair: Juan Garcès
Rabin, Ira - Ink identification to accompany digitization of the manuscripts
Castro Correa, Ainoa - The application of digital tools in the study of Visigothic script in Galicia
Birnbaum, David - Quantitative Codicology: An analysis of the formal descriptions of
medieval Slavic miscellany manuscripts

12.00 - 13.00: Catalogues and Descriptions | Chair: Torsten Schaßan
Andrist, Patrick - Electronic catalogues of ancient manuscripts: between the wishes of the libraries and the needs of manuscript science
Deckers, Daniel - Evaluating the added value of deeply tagged scholarly manuscript

14.30 - 15.30: Tradition and Genealogy I | Chair: Tara Andrews
Cafiero, Florian / Camps, Jean-Baptiste - Genealogy of Medieval Translations? The Case of the Chanson d’Otinel
Roelli, Philipp - Petrus Alfonsi or on the mutual benefit of traditional and computerised stemmatology

16.00 - 17.30: Style and Statistics | Chair: Aurélien Berra
Hoenen, Armin - Letter similarity and ancient manuscripts - the meaning of
vowel/consonant awareness

van Dalen-Oskam, Karina - Authors, Scribes, and Scholars. Untangling the knot with
computational help

Kestemont, Mike / Schepers, Kees - Stylometric Explorations of the Implied Dual Authorship in the Epistolae duorum amantium

18.00 - 18.45: Discussion session: Should textual scholarship be fully digital? | discussion prepared and led by Joris van Zundert

3 April 2012 - KVAB, Brussels

9.30 - 10.00: Welcome (Dirk Van Hulle) + Introduction by the organizers (C. Macé / T.

10.00 - 11.30: Primary Sources | Chair: Thomas Crombez
Luján, Eugenio / Orduña, Eduardo - Implementing a database for the analysis of ancient inscriptions: the Hesperia electronic corpus of Palaeohispanic inscriptions
Togni, Nadia - BIBLION: A data processing system for the analysis of medieval manuscripts
Crostini, Barbara - An on-line edition of MS Vat. gr. 752 (d. 1059)

12.00 - 13.00: Tradition and Genealogy I | Chair: Joris van Zundert
Alberto Cantera - The problems of the transmission of the Avesta and the tools for Avestan text criticism
Tuomas Heikkilä / Teemu Roos - Tracing the medieval readers of Vita et miracula s.
Symeonis Treverensis

14.00 - 15.00: Inter-textual Analysis I | Chair: Caroline Macé
Tupman, Charlotte - Sharing Ancient Wisdoms: developing structures for tracking cultural dynamics
Rubenson, Samuel - A database of the Apophthegmata Patrum

15.30-16.30 Inter-textual Analysis II | Chair: Tuomas Heikkilä
Spinazzè, Linda - Intertextual research with digital variants in Musisque Deoque: a case study
Romanov, Maxim - Public preaching in the Muslim World (900-1350 AD)

16.30 - 17.15: Discussion session: How many types of "textual scholarship" (new, old,historical, artefactual, genetic...)? | discussion prepared and led by Caroline Macé.
Closing of the workshop by the organizers (C. Macé / T. Andrews)