martes, 12 de marzo de 2013

Workshop: Medieval Texts and Manuscripts in the World of Linked Data.

University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve
April 4-6, 2013


April 4
A. Paravicini (SISMEL) : What are the objectives of COST Action IS 1005 ? What do we wait from this Workshop ?
P. Bertrand (UCLouvain), Preliminary remarks to the Workshop
Medieval texts and manuscripts : data and structures
16h - C. Macé (KuLeuven), Digitization of manuscripts and texts : what is there and what would be needed - an overview from a non-technical perspective.
16h30 - E. Degl’Innocenti (SISMEL-Fundazione E. Franceschini), The SISMEL databases : data and structure
April 5
9h30 - C. Masset (IRHT-CNRS, Orléans), The IRHT databases : data and structure
10h - J. Deploige (Prof., UGhent) : Narrative Sources and Diplomata Belgica : data and structure
Linked data, Web of Data : knowledge and techniques
11h - S. Gradmann (Prof., KULeuven), Europeana : a pioneering project
14h- R. Wenz (Conservateur des bibliothèques, archiviste-paléographe, responsable du projet à la Bibliothèque nationale de France), Web of Data in BnF : linking catalogues in
14h45 - [N, from DDH, King’s College], Linked data and Web of data in DDH
16h - J Cojan (INRIA, Wimmics, post-doctorant), DBpedia, une base de donnée pivot pour le Web Sémantique
16h45 - R. Letricot (IRHT-CNRS, Orléans), On the way to Linked Data : the IRHTLab project
April 6
10-12h - Round table led by C.I. Ore (Associate Professor, Institutt for lingvistiske og nordiske studier, University of Oslo) : how to prepare a european project around linking medieval texts and manuscripts?
N. Bériou (IRHT-CNRS, Paris)

Source: DM

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