viernes, 29 de marzo de 2013

I Congreso Internacional de Humanidades Digitales Hispánicas.

El SIELAE y el Departamento de Filología Española y Latina de la Universidade da Coruña (España) han asumido la tarea de organizar el I Congreso Internacional de Humanidades Digitales Hispánicas. Sociedad Internacional, que tendrá lugar en España, el la ciudad de A Coruña (Facultad de Filología. Universidade da Coruña) los días 9-12 de julio de 2013. 

El congreso dará la oportunidad de conocer, dar visibilidad y difusión a los proyectos sobre Humanidades Digitales, especialmente los que se desarrollan en España, establecer relaciones entre los investigadores y una pluralidad de interesados en esta rama de conocimiento. Se espera que el encuentro permita una reflexión sobre los logros, desafíos y perspectivas de futuro de las HD que propicie la generación de proyectos interdisciplinares.
La reunión científica se estructurará en torno a una serie de ponencias plenarias de especialistas invitados, sesiones de comunicaciones, sesiones de paneles y pósters. 

Call for Papers abierto hasta el 30 de abril de 2013.

jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013

15th Seminar Care and Conservation of Manuscripts.

University of Copenhagen,
2nd to the 4th of April 2014.

The aim of the seminar is to bring together scholars, conservators, librarians, archivists, curators and others who work in the field of manuscript studies, preservation and conservation.

Papers are invited on subjects relating to the care and conservation of manuscripts in the widest sense, including, but not limited to, conservation techniques and related matters, curatorial, codicological, philological and book historical subjects and digitisation.

The proposal should include a preliminary title and an abstract, which should state the relevance of the subject for this seminar (500-1000 words).
The principal language of the conference is English but papers in German are also welcome.
The dead-line for submission of proposals is the 1st of June 2013

The seminar is arranged by Ragnheiður Mósesdóttir & Matthew James Driscoll of the Arnamagnæan Institute, University of Copenhagen and Ivan Boserup & Marie Vest of the Royal Library. 
For further information you can write to Ragnheiður, who acts as the seminar co-ordinator.

Source: DM

jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013

MAA 2014 Annual Meeting.

Annual Meeting, Los  Angeles, 2014: Call for Papers Deadline for submission is 15 June 2013

The 2014 Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America will be held jointly with the Medieval Association of the Pacific on 10-12 April, in Los Angeles at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and hosted by the UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies.

The Program Committee invites proposals for papers on all topics and in all disciplines and periods of medieval studies. Any member of the Medieval Academy may submit a paper proposal, excepting those who presented papers at the annual meetings of the Medieval Academy in 2012 and 2013; others may submit proposals as well but must become members in order to present papers at the meeting. Special consideration can be given to individuals whose specialty would not normally involve membership in the Medieval Academy.

The complete Call for Papers with additional information, submission procedures, selections guidelines, and organizers is available here.

Please contact Prof. Massimo Ciavolella at UCLA, if you have any questions.

  1. Encountering Byzantium: The Empire through the Gaze of Others
  2. Byzantine Art as a Site of Encounter
  3. Architecture and Encounter
  4. On Teaching the Middle Ages to K-12 [two sessions]
  5. Travel and Pilgrimage Literature
  6. The Postcolonial Encounter in Medieval English Literature
  7. The Traffic in Religions
  8. Encounters between Cultures: Conflicts and Conflict Resolution
  9. Medicine and Literature
  10. Shipwrecks and Shipping
  11. What’s New in Medieval Studies?
  12. Empires of Fantasy
  13. Encountering the Past and the Page in Medieval English Literature
  14. Digital Humanities
  15. Museums and the Presentation of the Middle Ages
  16. Medievalism: The Middle Ages in Film and Video Games
  17. Cartography: Visual Representation of Encounters
  18. Preconceptions of the World outside Europe
  19. Medieval Culture of Empire Language Communities
  20. Frederick II and the Islamic World
  21. Sites of Encounter: Armenia
  22. Sites of Encounter: Norman Sicily
  23. Sites of Encounter: North Africa
  24. Sites of Encounter: Iberia
  25. Scandinavians and Empire
  26. Charlemagne
  27. Queens, Empresses, and Women of Power
  28. Diversity of Religious Communities in the Medieval West
  29. Gifts and Exchange
  30. Travel to Different Worlds
  31. Ritual Encounters: Festivals, Processions, Parades and Triumphs
  32. Exploration
  33. Identifying Cultural Encounters and Networks from Archaeological Evidence
  34. German Manuscripts and Imperial Authority: Routes of Transmission
  35. Manuscript Illumination
  36. Rome’s Revival: Encounters with Rome in the Middle Ages
  37. Crusade Encounters
  38. Sites of Encounter in Medieval Literature 

sábado, 16 de marzo de 2013

International Conference: Digitizing the Medieval Archive.

Centre for Medieval Studies
University of Toronto,
March 27-29, 2014.

David Greetham (The Graduate Center, CUNY); Stephen G. Nichols (Johns Hopkins University); Caroline Macé (KU Leuven); Consuelo Dutschke (Columbia University Library)

The discussion about the digitization of the Middle Ages, by its very nature, tends to be one that takes place in an online setting. As the question of how medievalists may work within this digital environment becomes an increasingly popular topic of Internet conversation, we invite scholars in the Humanities and Social Sciences to come together in real time to consider and discuss the possibilities of a digitized medieval archive.

There has been and continues to be considerable variation in the introduction, evaluation and continuation of digital storage. At the same time, in the digital humanities more broadly, the term 'archive', rather than being a term of clarification, has become a metaphor for what we do not understand about the nature of digital collections. Digital technology has expanded and complicated the idea of the archive. In bringing together the two concepts, digitization and archivization in the sphere of Medieval studies, we aim to address questions of access to and the dissemination of materials and research, as well as long-standing questions relating to the methodological and practical ways we carry out research. This conference sets out to explore ways in which medievalists might harness the vast, digital possibilities for a cross-institutional and interdisciplinary medieval archive.

Possible topics may include but are not limited to the following:
  • Implications of digital archives for the editing of medieval texts
  • Methodologies and/or ideologies behind archivization
  • The archivization of already existing digital databases
  • Digitized archives/collections as enabling or limiting research
  • The digital (re)construction of medieval collections
  • Compilation and order of medieval texts
  • Textual forms / reading methods
  • Fluidity of the medieval text and the Internet

Please submit a short C.V. and abstracts of 250 words by October 1, 2013 for consideration.


martes, 12 de marzo de 2013

Convegno internazionale: Epigrafia medievale: scritture, spazi e committenti.

Venezia, Università Ca’ Foscari,

In margine al Convegno saranno tenute riunioni dei partecipanti al PRIN “ Memoria poetica e poesia
della memoria. Ricorrenze lessicali e tematiche nella versificazione epigrafica e nel sistema letterario” (20 marzo, ore 16.00) e dei partecipanti alla programmazione del progetto di istituzione del Comité International d’ Epigraphie du Moyen Age (21 marzo, ore 17.30, Sala Giovanni Morelli) Il Convegno è realizzato nell’ambito delle attività del progetto PRIN 2010-2011 “Memoria poetica e poesia della memoria. Ricorrenze lessicali e tematiche nella versificazione epigrafica e nel sistema letterario”

Per informazioni:
Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici: Flavia De Rubeis 
Università degli Studi di Padova, Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche, Geografiche e dell’Antichità: Nicoletta Giovè
Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Dipartimento di Filosofia e Beni Culturali: Stefano Riccioni

21 MARZO 2013
Palazzo Malcanton Marcorà

Ore 9.00 – Apertura convegno
Saluti - Prof. Paolo Eleuteri, Direttore del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia); Prof. Giovanni Luigi Fontana, Direttore del Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche, Geografiche
e dell’Antichità (Università di Padova); Prof. Luigi Perissinotto, Direttore del Dipartimento di Filosofia e Beni culturali (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia)
Ore 9.30 inizio lavori
9.30 Christine Steininger (München) - Iscrizioni di sepolture dei canonici nella Baviera
10.00 Franz-Albrecht Bornschlegel (München) - Die gotische Minuskel nördlich der Alpen (The Gothic Minuscule in the North of the Alps)
10.30 Flavia De Rubeis (Venezia) - Proposta per un criterio di datazione della gotica epigrafica in Italia

11.30 Maria Encarnacio Martin Lopez (León) - La escritura visigótica en el ámbito de las escrituras nacionales. Relaciones y particularidades
12.00 Vicente Garcia Lobo (León) - Orígenes de la escritura visigótica en la Península Ibérica: características y problemática
12.30 Natalia Rodríguez Suárez (León) - Reflexiones epigráficas a propósito de los tres altares de San Miguel de Escalada

15.00 Carlo Tedeschi (Chieti) - Il medioevo di una tomba etrusca. Graffiti templari a Tarquinia
15.30 Massimiliano Bassetti (Verona) - L’abside nord di San Zeno a Verona: i graffiti (secc. X-XI)
16.00 Tiziana Franco (Verona) - L’abside nord di San Zeno e Verona: una reliquia carolingia
16.30 Silvia Musetti (Verona) - Le Inscriptiones Medii Aevi Italiae: il corpus delle epigrafi di Verona

17.15 Chiara Lambert (Salerno) - Spazio architettonico e scritture esposte nei Principati longobardi italomeridionali, alla luce delle fonti letterarie e dell’archeologia
17.45 Vincent Debiais (Poitiers) - Type et figure : les inscriptions de la croix de Theodericus à Mayence
18.15 Xavier Barral i Altet (Venezia) - Tituli, memoria orale e espressione scritta della parola: il racconto per testi nell’arazzo di Bayeux
Palazzo Malcanton Marcorà

9.00 Robert Favreau (Poitiers) - Les commanditaires et leurs dépenses
9.30 Antonio Felle (Bari) - Casi di scritture epigrafiche non esposte: alcune considerazioni
10.00 Michela Agazzi (Venezia) - Il sarcofago di Domenicus presbiter a Torcello
10.30 Stefano Riccioni (Venezia) - Le iscrizioni del sarcofago dei santi Mauro e Eleuterio a Parenzo

11.30 Paolo Mastandrea (Venezia) - Presentazione del Progetto PRIN 2010-2011 “Memoria poetica e poesia della memoria. Ricorrenze lessicali e tematiche nella versificazione epigrafica e nel sistema letterario”
12.00 Franco Benucci (Padova) - Il corpus dell’epigrafia medievale di Padova. Una visione d’insieme
12.30 Giulia Foladore (Padova) - Il corpus dell’epigrafia medievale di Padova. La committenza: una questione di famiglia nella basilica del Santo
13.00 Flavia De Rubeis (Venezia) - Le Inscriptiones Medii Aevi Italiae: il corpus delle epigrafi di Venezia

15.00 Daniele Ferraiuolo (Siena) - Scritture e tecniche a San Vincenzo al Volturno in età carolingia: origini e sviluppo di un modello epigrafico
15.20 Sara Siclari (Venezia) - Il ruolo dei fossori nella costruzione di una epigrafia dei cristiani
15.40 Alejandro García Morilla (León) - Pervivencia de la escritura visigótica en la provincia de Burgos
16.00 Irène Pereira Garcia (León) - La escritura visigótica en el monasterio de San Millán de la Cogolla (ss. IX- XI): Códices, grafitos y inscripciones
16.20 Mia Trentin (Venezia) - Il corpus dei graffiti di San Marco
Ore 16.40 Conclusioni dei lavor 


Congreso de Investigadores Noveles en Ciencias Documentales: Funciones y prácticas de la escritura.

Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 
26 al 28 de Noviembre de 2013.

* Call for Papers *
miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2013
Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que el hombre comenzara a entender la importancia y el significado de grabar sus pensamientos de manera tangible. Tanto ha sido, que lo físico se ha convertido en etéreo con la llegada de la era virtual. No obstante hoy continuamos haciendo uso de un instrumento escriptorio, llamémosle teclado, o de un soporte donde recoger la actividad del primero, caso del disco duro de nuestro ordenador, que necesitará de un software para descodificar los datos y de una pantalla para visualizarlos.
Este Congreso pretende aunar las experiencias generadas alrededor de ese objeto mágico e inmortal que es la escritura.
En esa motivación no queremos prescindir de ninguno de los ingredientes y recursos que la posibilitan: autores materiales, soportes e instrumentos escriptorios, tintas, características gráficas, ornamentación, técnicas de ejecución... Todo ello con el único fin de diseñar un panorama lo más interdisciplinar y completo posible sobre la temática propuesta.

Workshop: Medieval Texts and Manuscripts in the World of Linked Data.

University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve
April 4-6, 2013


April 4
A. Paravicini (SISMEL) : What are the objectives of COST Action IS 1005 ? What do we wait from this Workshop ?
P. Bertrand (UCLouvain), Preliminary remarks to the Workshop
Medieval texts and manuscripts : data and structures
16h - C. Macé (KuLeuven), Digitization of manuscripts and texts : what is there and what would be needed - an overview from a non-technical perspective.
16h30 - E. Degl’Innocenti (SISMEL-Fundazione E. Franceschini), The SISMEL databases : data and structure
April 5
9h30 - C. Masset (IRHT-CNRS, Orléans), The IRHT databases : data and structure
10h - J. Deploige (Prof., UGhent) : Narrative Sources and Diplomata Belgica : data and structure
Linked data, Web of Data : knowledge and techniques
11h - S. Gradmann (Prof., KULeuven), Europeana : a pioneering project
14h- R. Wenz (Conservateur des bibliothèques, archiviste-paléographe, responsable du projet à la Bibliothèque nationale de France), Web of Data in BnF : linking catalogues in
14h45 - [N, from DDH, King’s College], Linked data and Web of data in DDH
16h - J Cojan (INRIA, Wimmics, post-doctorant), DBpedia, une base de donnée pivot pour le Web Sémantique
16h45 - R. Letricot (IRHT-CNRS, Orléans), On the way to Linked Data : the IRHTLab project
April 6
10-12h - Round table led by C.I. Ore (Associate Professor, Institutt for lingvistiske og nordiske studier, University of Oslo) : how to prepare a european project around linking medieval texts and manuscripts?
N. Bériou (IRHT-CNRS, Paris)

Source: DM

Textuality, Technology, and Materiality in the Medieval and Early Modern World.

28-30 November 2013
University of Western Australia, Perth.

Confirmed plenary speakers: Professor Alexandra Gillespie (University of Toronto), Professor Tim Fitzpatrick (University of Sydney).

Call for abstracts
The convenors of the 19th Annual Conference of the Perth Medieval and Renaissance Group, co-sponsored by the UWA Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, welcome abstracts (c.200 words) for 20-minute papers exploring medieval and early modern cultures of technology, textuality, and materiality, c.600 to 1800 CE. We welcome proposals for papers (or panels of 3 papers) which consider:
  • The social and cultural lives and afterlives of medieval and early modern material objects
  • Manuscripts, inscriptions, illustrations, letters, the printing press and other medieval and early modern communication technologies
  • The production, transmission, and mediation of medieval and early modern texts
  • The application and/or impact of modern technologies to medieval and early modern materials
Abstracts and panel proposals (along with titles and brief bios for speakers) should be emailed addressed to the convenors — Professor Andrew Lynch, Dr Anne M. Scott, and Dr Brett D. Hirsch — by no later than 1 September 2013.

Source: CFP