viernes, 31 de mayo de 2013

The medieval documents on the WEB: ICARUS, the ENArC Project and the Spanish Archives.

ICARUS@work #13
Madrid, 12 June 2013
Archivo Histórico Nacional, Madrid (Spain)

Presentation -  Severiano Hernández Vicente, Spanish State Archivist
ICARUS and the ENArC Project -  Vlatka Lemic, Director of the Croatian National Archives and vicepresident of ICARUS
The Portal - Maria Rosaria Falcone, University of Naples; Antonella Ambrosio, University of Naples
The medieval Spanish charters at the Spanish - Archives Portal (PARES) - Alfonso Sánchez Mairena, Spanish State Archives Sub-Directorate
Access points and authority records: standardization and multilingual description - Arantxa Lafuente Uríen, Spanish State Archives Sub-Directorate; Jesús Espinosa Romero, Spanish State Archives Sub-Directorate; Santiago Muriel Hernández, Spanish State Archives Sub-Directorate
The Spanish medieval documents at the charters of the Galician monasteries - Luis Miguel de la Cruz Herranz, National Historical Archives; Mª del Pilar Muñoz-Cobo Sanz, National Historical Archives; Gema Collado Martín, National Historical Archives
Round Table - Severiano Hernández Vicente, Spanish State Archivist - Carmen Sierra Bárcenas, Director of the Spanish National Historical Archives - Vlatka Lemic, Director of the Croatian National Archives and vicepresident of ICARUS - Maria Rosaria Falcone, University of Naples - Alfonso Sánchez Mairena, Spanish State Archives Sub-Directorate - Arantxa Lafuente Uríen, Spanish State Archives Sub-Directorate - María Jesús Álvarez Coca, National Historical Archives - Luis Miguel de la Cruz Herranz, National Historical Archives
Closing remarks - Severiano Hernández Vicente, Spanish State Archivist - Carmen Sierra Bárcenas, Director of the Spanish National Historical Archives - Vlatka Lemic, Director of the Croatian National Archives and vicepresident of ICARUS - Maria Rosaria Falcone, University of Naples


lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013

Nuns' Literacies in Medieval Europe: The Antwerp Conference.

Nuns’ Literacies in Medieval Europe III
An international and interdisciplinary conference

Universiteit Antwerpen–Antwerp, Belgium
4-7 June 2013

A conference on ‘Nuns’ Literacies in Medieval Europe’ will take place at the Ruusbroec Institute of the Universiteit Antwerpen from 4–7 June 2013. It is designed to bring together specialists working on diverse geographical areas to create a dialogue about the Latin and vernacular texts nuns read, wrote, and exchanged, primarily from the eighth to the mid-sixteenth centuries. International experts will address these issues in Antwerp. The resulting papers from this conference will form the chapters of a published volume. This conference is the third in a series of three: the first conference was held in Hull from 20–23 June 2011 and the second in Kansas City from 5-8 June 2012.
Dr Virginia Blanton, University of Missouri-Kansas City
Dr Veronica O’Mara, University of Hull
Dr Patricia Stoop, Universiteit Antwerpen


Tuesday, 4 June 2013

9.30-10.30 am: Registration (including coffee/tea)

10.30-10.45 am: Official welcome by Luc Duerloo, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Arts, and introduction to the conference by the Chair, Patricia Stoop
10.45-12.30 pm: Session 1 (Chair: Veerle Fraeters, Universiteit Antwerpen, B)
  • Almut Breitenbach (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen; D) & Stefan Matter (Universität Freiburg; D / University of Oxford; UK) - 'Image, Text and the Sisters' Mind: Franciscan Tertiaries Rewriting Stephan Fridolin's "Schatzbehalter"'
  • Blanca Garí (Universitat of Barcelona; SP) - 'What did the Catalan Nuns Read? Women's Literacy in the Monasteries of Catalonia, Valencia and Mallorca'
  • Veronica O'Mara (University of Hull; UK) - 'Investigating the Texts in Nuns' Manuscripts in Late Medieval England'.

12.30-2 pm: Lunch

2.00-3.15 pm: Session 2 (Chair: Claes Gejrot, Stockholms universitet; SV)
  • Eva Sandgren (Uppsala universitet; SV) - 'Birgittine Diffusion of Design: The Circulation of Ideas of Form in Some Birgittine Convents'
  • Anne Mette Hansen (Københavns universitet; DK) - 'Nuns' Prayers in the Birgittine Abbey of Maribo'

3.15-3.45 pm: Coffee/tea

3.45-5.00 pm: Session 3 (Chair: Anneke Mulder-Bakker, Universiteit Groningen; NL)
  • Patricia Stoop (Universiteit Antwerpen; B) - The Teaching of the Young: The Middle Dutch Sermon Collections from the Cartusian Convent of Sint-Anna-ter-Woestijne near Bruges'
  • Sabrina Corbellini (Universiteit Groningen; NL) - 'Literacy, Books, and Reading in Communities of Tertiaries: The Informieringheboeck by Jan de Wael (1520)'

5.00-7.00 pm: Introduction to the Ruusbroecgenootschap, followed by the opening reception

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

9.00-10.15 am: Session 4 (Chair: Virginia Blanton, University of Missouri-Kansas City; USA)
  • Julie Smith (University of Sydney; AUS) - 'Faciat eas litteras edoceri: Literacy and Learning in the Clarissan formae vitae'.
  • Przemyslaw Wiszewski (Uniwersytet Wroclawski; PL) - 'Power and Piety: Pragmatic Writing in Medieval Nunneries in the Piast Realms (Silesia and Poland), from the Thirteenth to the Fourteenth Centuries'.

10.15-10.45 am: Coffee/Tea

10.45am-12.00 pm (Chair: Emilie Amt, Hood College; USA)
  • Alison More (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen; NL) - 'Identity, Preaching and Literacy: The Emergence of a Textual Identity in Houses of Franciscan Tertiary Women'.
  • Julie Somers (Universiteit Leiden; NL) - 'The Butcher, the Baker, and the Manuscript Maker: Nuns' Role in Twelfth-Century Textual Production'.

12.15-8.00 pm: Excursion to Bruges

Thursday, 6 June 2013

9.00-10.45 am: Session 6 (Chair: Lisa Weston, California State University Fresno; USA)
  • Hedvig (Víktoria) Deàk (Szerzetesi Hittudonányi Fõiskola; H) - 'The Legacy of Saint Margaret: a Case-study of a Dominican Monastery in Hungary'.
  • Virginia Blanton (University of Missouri-Kansas City) - 'Leoba and the Iconography of Learning in the Lives of Anglo-Saxon Women Religious II'.
  • Kris Van Put (Universiteit Antwerpen, B) - 'The Authority of Love: Beatrice of Nazareth's Autobiographical Writing Revisited'.

10.45-11.15 am: Coffee/Tea

11.15 am-12.30 pm: Session 7 (Chair: Ann Hutchison, University of Toronto; CA)
  • Catherine Innes-Parker (University of Prince Edward Island; CA) - 'Translation and Reform: Le livre de l'Arbre de la Croix Jhesucrist and the Nuns of Monmartre'
  • Cate Gunn (University of Essex; UK) - 'Anonymous then, Invisible now: the Readers of "Sermon à Dames Religioses"'

12.30-1.15 pm: Lunch

1.15-2.30 pm: Session 8 (Chair: Veronica O'Mara, University of Hull; UK)
Round table session (including discussion on future plans on the international network on nuns' literacies)

2.30-5.00 pm: Excursion to Museum Plantin-Moretus

7.30-10.00 pm: Conference Dinner

Friday, 7 June 2013

9.15-11 am: Session 9 (Chair: Karen Blough, SUNY Plattsburgh; USA)
  • Melissa Moreton (University of Iowa; USA) - 'Exchange and Alliance: The Sharing and Gifting of Books in Women's Houses in Late Medieval Italy'
  • Mary Erler (Fordham University; USA) - 'Transmission of Birgittine Images from Flanders to England'
  • Anne Jenny-Clark (Université de Lille, 3; F) - 'The Noble Women's Chapter of Sainte-Waudru's Collegiate in Mons (Hainaut): The Transmission of Books between Cannonesses'.

11.00-11.30 am: Coffee/Tea

11.30am-12.45pm: Session 10 (Chair: Ralf Lützelschwab, Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung Berlin; D)
  • Helene Scheck (University at Albany; USA) - 'Aristotle at Gandersheim'.
  • Brian Richardson (University of Leeds; UK) - 'Manuscript Production in a Milanese Convent in the Early Sixteenth Century'

12.45-1.30 pm: Lunch

1.30 pm: Optional guided tour of Antwerp Cathedral and other landmarks in Antwerp, and departure


miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2013

Curso de verano: "Entre el saber y la memoria. Libros medievales".

Universidad de León. Instituto de Estudios Medievales. León, 16-19 julio 2013.

16 de julio

9,00. Entrega de documentación
9,15. Inauguración del curso
9,30. Conferencia Inaugural: Dr. Vicente García Lobo (Universidad de León)- Conceptualización del libro
11,30. Conferencia: Dra. Elena Rodríguez (Universidad de Huelva) - Génesis del libro medieval 
16,30. Conferencia: Dr. José Antonio Fernández Flórez (Universidad de Burgos) - Los libros de la memoria: Cartularios de Valpuesta 
18,30. Conferencia: Dr. Alturo Perucho (Universidad de Barcelona) - La sacralización del libro: la liturgia y sus libros

17 de julio

9,30. Conferencia: Dr. Manuel Valdés (Universidad de León) - La ilustración en el libro medieval 
11,30. Conferencia: Dra. Adelaide Miranda (Universidad de Lisboa) - La miniatura: decoración de los Beatos
13,15: Práctica. El coleccionismo y Templum libri. 
16,30. Conferencia: Dra. María Concepción Cosmen (Universidad de León) - La encuadernación del libro 
18,30. Práctica: Dra. Alicia Miguélez (I.E.M. Universidad Nova de Lisboa) - La decoración del Beato de Lorvao
18 de julio

9,30. Conferencia: Dra. María Josefa Sanz (Universidad de Oviedo) - Los libros del Saber
11,30. Conferencia: Dra. M. Encarnación Martín (Universidad de León) - Lectura y escritura en la Edad Media
16,30. Práctica: Dr. Alejandro García Morilla (I.E.M. Universidad de León) - La biblia: escribir y diseñar
18,30 Práctica Dra. Natalia Rodríguez Suárez (I.E.M. Universidad de León) - Transmitir libros de ciencia

19 de julio

9,30. Conferencia: Dra. Gregoria Cavero (Universidad de León) - Libros para el silencio del claustro.
11:30. Conferencia: Dra. Caterina Tristano (Universidad de Siena) - El mercado del libro manuscrito en la Baja Edad Media
13,00 Clausura 

miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013

Automatic Pattern Recognition and Historical Handwritting Analysis.

The number of historical documents which are available in digital form has dramatically increased throughout the last five to ten years. Consequently, there has also been a significant growth in the development of computerized tools for the support of the analysis of such documents. The project “Script and Signs. A Computer-based Analysis of Highmedieval Papal Charters. A Key to Europe’s Cultural History”, which is funded by the e-humanities initiative of the German Ministry of Education, therefore organizes a international symposium. The aim of this symposium is to bring the world’s leading experts on historical document analysis from a diverse set of fields, such as Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Medieval History and Auxiliary Sciences of History together.
This inital point provide a compilation of results of single projects in order to focus on them in the future.


June 14, 2013
8:00 Registration
8:30 Welcome - Joachim Hornegger (Vice-President of University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)
8:45 Message from Chairs Klaus Herbers, Irmgard Fees (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg / Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
9:00 Script and Signs. A Computer-based Analysis of High Medieval Papal Charters. A Key to Europe’s Cultural History - Vincent Christlein (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
09:15 Presentation of the Papal Documents Database - Thorsten Schlauwitz (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)

Section I. Traditional Palaeography
09:30 Considerations of the Identification of Scribes: Aims and Methods of Traditional Palaeography - Martin Wagendorfer (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
10.10 Forensic Handwriting Analysis - Gudrun Bromm (Mannheim Laboratory for Script and Document Analysis)

Section II. Writer Identifcation
11:10 The Right Hand of the Pope: on the Authenticity of the Cardinal Signatures in Registers from the 12th and 13th Centuries - Werner Maleczek (University of Vienna)
11:50 Role of Automation in the Examination of Handwritten Items: the Lindbergh Case - Sargur Srihari (University at Buffalo – State University of New York)
12:30 The necessity of simultaneous multiple perspectives in digital identification of the hand - Lambert Schomaker (University of Groningen)

Section III. Digital Palaeography
14:10 The Evolution of Handwriting in the Papal Curia of the 15th Century - Thomas Frenz (University of Passau)
14:50 In Meaning versus Mining, and Putting the Palaeographer in Charge - Peter Stokes (King’s College London)
15:50 Image Analysis and Clustering of Medieval Scripts: an Evaluation Protocol - Dominique Stutzmann (French National Center for Scientific Research)
16:30 Handwritten Word Spotting in Historical Documents: the Project Five Centuries of Marriages - Josep Lladós (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)

June 15, 2013

Section IV. General Document Analysis
8:30 Layout and Writer Identifcation - Otfried Krafft (University of Marburg)
9:10 Multispectral Image Acquisition and Analysis for Manuscript Research - Robert Sablatnik (Vienna University of Technology)

Section V. Automatic Handwriting Recognition and Analysis
10:10 Diptychon: a Transcription Assistant System for the Separation of Glyphs in Medieval Handwritings - Björn Gottfried, Matthias Lawo (University of Bremen / Monumenta Germaniae Historica and Humanities)
10:50 Searching Handwritten Manuscripts - Raghavan Manmatha (University of Massachusetts)
11:30 Automatic Tools for Historical Manuscript Analysis - Lior Wolf (Tel Aviv University)

12:10 Concluding Discussion - Kurt Gärtner (Union of the German Academies of Sciences)
13:00 Lunch & guided tour in Bamberg

The Cardiff Conference on the Theory and Practice of Translation in the Middle Ages.

The Medieval Translator 2013
The Cardiff Conference on the Theory and Practice of Translation in the Middle Ages
Translation and Authority - Authorities in Translation

Monday 8 - Friday 12 July 2013
KU Leuven (Belgium)

Source: @Quadrivium_UK


domingo, 5 de mayo de 2013

Masters, Means & Methods: The (Liberal) Arts in the Medieval World - Midwest Medieval History Conference 2013.

Augsburg College in Minneapolis, MN 
October 18-19, 2013. 

The theme of this year’s conference concerns the transmission of knowledge, from masters to students, from practitioners to audience. It includes the liberal arts, the fine arts, and even the practical arts. Topics might include monastic as well as university education; the trivium and quadrivium; the history of theology, science, music, mathematics, and dialectic; art history, especially the training of artists; the education of women; and professional training in guilds.
Scholars from all disciplines of medieval studies and from all regions of the United States encouraged to submit abstracts. 

39th Kölner Mediaevistentagung: Disciples and Masters.

September 9-12, 2014
Universität zu Köln

* Cal for Papers *
deadline August 15th, 2013

"All teaching and all intellectual learning come about from already exisiting knowledge" – this famous introductory sentence of Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics does not only apply to sciences specifically, but also to any activity based on experience and expertise, which is not the result of nature, but of "techne", i.e., human craftsmanship in the broadest sense. Any proficiency, whether it results in an object, a created artifact, or consists in a certain practical or theoretical ability itself, has to be learned. This is a fact which is independent from age and life experience. In this respect, being a disciple is essential to being human. A master, on the other hand, is someone who does not only have experience, expertise and knowledge, but is also able to convey it to others. He is not only acquainted with the facts and circumstances in question, but also has the methodological knowledge that is required to impart one’s own expertise to others. Hence, the disciple- master relation is a fundamental part of any higher culture and a key to understanding all culturally transmitted skills and encoded knowledge.

However, the basis of this central relation of cultural conveyance of competences and knowledge is the individual experience of the involved carriers: primarily of the disciple and the master themselves, then as well of the particular institutions. To study the manifestation of this experience in its various facets within Latin and Greek Byzantine, within Arabic and Hebrew tradition, in the worlds of laity and scholars, but also within everyday culture, the focus lies on a subject which has often been dealt with only incidentally and instrumentally, for instance in the context of biographical or doctrinal questions, or the history of institutions of education.

Thus, the point of departure of the 39th Kölner Mediaevistentagung will be the disciple- master relation. Beyond language and cultural spheres the discursive practices and epistemological implications will be discussed, as well as the institutional requirements and the social understanding of these roles. Where can we find continuity, where common points of reference – perhaps in starting with models and traditions of late antiquity? Where do they sustain, where do new forms and new kinds of understanding of the relation of disciple and master emerge as a result of the clash of ancient traditions with the thenceforth culturally dominating religions based on revelation, namely Judaism, Christianity and Islam?

Request of proposals.

September 9-12, 2014
September 9-12, 2014

sábado, 4 de mayo de 2013

Texts and Contexts Conference.

November 15-16, 2013
Ohio State University

 * Call for Papers *

Deadline: August 15, 2013

Texts and Contexts is an annual conference held on the campus of the Ohio State University devoted to Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, incunables and early printed texts in Latin and the vernacular languages. The conference solicits papers particularly in the general discipline of manuscript studies, including palaeography, codicology, reception and text history. 
In addition to the general papers (of roughly 20 minutes), the conference also hosts the Virginia Brown Memorial Lecture, established in memory of the late Virginia Brown, who taught paleography at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies for some 40 years.  We also welcome proposals for sessions of two to three papers which might treat a more focused topic. Information about the conference and the program may be found here.