martes, 28 de febrero de 2012

Workshop. Medieval Cultures on the Web. Interoperability Through Text and Manuscript Databases.

Firenze, 7-9 marzo 2012
COST Action IS1005 Medioevo Europeo. Medieval Cultures and Technological Resources.

Medieval Cultures on the Web. Interoperability Through Text and Manuscript Databases.

In Europe and in North-America several projects are trying to handle the problem of the multitude of data-bases concerning medieval texts and manuscripts. Different aims and standards are proposed by networks of philologists, codicologists, librarians. The research about medieval cultures will depend more and more on such decisions. Presenting an Italian project of interoperability, the workshop will provide a discussion about goals and practices for the next future.

COST Action IS1005 Medioevo Europeo. Medieval Cultures and Technological Resources.
chair Agostino Paravicini Bagliani

The main objective of the Action is to increase accessibility to and integration of medieval research results and tools through improved technological instruments and skills. Achieving the Action’s objectives is made possible through the collaboration of key European institutes that have developed large scale databases, become familiar with related problems and attempted to identify targeted solutions.

Working Group 2 - Manuscripts and textual tradition.
chair Matthew Driscoll

from the Memorandum of Understanding:
In keeping with the over-all aims of the COST Action, Working Group 2 seeks to develop proposals for standardising data pertaining to manuscripts and texts in order to facilitate dialogue between existing and emerging electronic resources such as manuscript catalogues and digital text editions.

7 march: Università degli Studi di Firenze Rettorato – Aula Magna, Piazza San Marco 4, 50121 Firenze
8-9 march: Istituto Gould, Via de' Serragli 49, 50124 Firenze

Organising Committee
Emiliano Degl'Innocenti, Matthew Driscoll, Lino Leonardi, Agostino Paravicini Bagliani

Local Organiser
Fondazione Ezio Franceschini onlus, Certosa del Galluzzo, 50124 Firenze,

Silvia Agnoletti (COST Action IS1005)
Marinella Tucci (Fondazione Ezio Franceschini onlus)

Invited experts
Guglielmo Bartoletti (Biblioteca Marucelliana), Marco Bellandi (Università di Firenze), Pietro Beltrami (CNR-OVI, Firenze), Vicenç Beltran (IEC, Barcelona), Marco Biffi (Accademia della Crusca), Andrea Bozzi (CNR-ILC, Pisa), Teresa De Robertis (Università di Firenze), Simon Gaunt (King's College, London), Giovanna Lazzi (Bibl. Riccardiana, Firenze), Lucia Pinelli (SISMEL, Firenze), Gabriella Pomaro (SISMEL, Firenze), Ida Giovanna Rao (Bibl. Medicea Laurenziana, Firenze), Wolfram Seidler (Universität Wien)

Más información.

Fuente: APILIST.

Exposición "Miniatures flamandes".

Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France (site François-Mitterrand),
du 6 mars 2012 au 10 juin 2012.

Panorama exceptionnel de la miniature flamande, les deux expositions organisées à Paris et à Bruxelles réunissent des collections que l’histoire avait dispersées. Le visiteur est invité à découvrir des manuscrits richement enluminés, de très grand format, fleurons des bibliothèques des princes du XVe siècle.
Les ouvrages exposés proviennent pour la plupart des collections des ducs de Bourgogne ou de leur entourage. L’un d’eux en particulier, Philippe le Bon, qui mit la main sur tous les Pays-Bas méridionaux, fut par ambition politique un mécène actif. Il commanda nombre de manuscrits, confiés aux meilleurs enlumineurs, recrutés dans tous ses territoires. Il fut imité ou encouragé dans sa passion bibliophile par ses courtisans, et Charles le Téméraire suivit son exemple.
Ce mécénat génère des oeuvres littéraires et des traductions nouvelles. Ostentatoires dans leur matérialité même, les ouvrages enluminés recèlent aussi une iconographie inédite et souvent profane, qui offre aux artistes l’occasion d’innover. Certains nous sont connus tels Roger van der Weyden, Simon Marmion ; d’autres restent anonymes, mais témoignent de fortes personnalités artistiques.
Grâce à la richesse des fonds respectifs de la Bibliothèque royale de Belgique et de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, des ouvrages différents seront présentés dans les deux capitales. Gageons que les manuscrits ne seront pas seuls à voyager et que leur chassé-croisé inspirera les visiteurs.

Más información.

Fuente: APILIST.

lunes, 20 de febrero de 2012

Exposició Ramon Llull a Santes Creus.

Reial Monestir de Santes Creus,
26 febrero 2012.

El director del Museu d'Història de Catalunya i el director general de l'Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània us conviden a la inauguració de l'exposició Raimundus, christianus arabicus.
L'acte tindrà lloc el proper diumenge 26 de febrer, a la una del migdia, al Reial Monestir de Santes Creus.

jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012

Working with Text in a Digital Age.

July 23-August 10, 2012, Tufts University in Medford, MA will host “Working with Text in a Digital Age”, a three-week NEH Institute for Advanced Technology in the Digital Humanities.
This institute will combine traditional topics such as TEI markup with training in methods from Information Retrieval, Visualization, and Corpus and Computational Linguistics.

Co-directors are Monica Berti and Gregory Crane, Tufts University; Anke Lüdeling, Humboldt University.

This institute will provide participants with three weeks in which to:

develop hands on experience with TEI-XML,
apply methods from information retrieval, text visualization, and corpus and computational linguistics to the analysis of textual and linguistic sources in the humanities,
rethink not only their own research agendas but also new relationships between their work and non-specialists.

This institute will focus on linguistic sources that shed light upon the human record. While collections in Greek, Latin, Arabic, German, and English will be prominent, participants with many different linguistic interests are encouraged to apply. Students of the humanities will be introduced to established digital humanities technologies such as TEI XML markup as well as new methods from fields such as corpus and computational linguistics, information retrieval, and data visualization. Participants will have the opportunity not only to acquire new skills but also to transform the way in which they conceive of their research and teaching. We particularly encourage graduate students and library professionals as well as faculty to apply as individuals or as small groups or as representatives of established collaborations.

While the institute will provide extensive training in advanced technologies, such technologies are presented as a means to advance the larger goals of the humanities. These goals include not only the transformation of research in the humanities but expanding the impact of humanities research within and beyond the academy. Instruction will include case studies where advanced technology has not only transformed research agendas but, for example, 1) enabled significant contributions and meaningful research by undergraduates, 2) stimulated new collaborations with colleagues long-separated by barriers of space, language, and/or culture, and 3) offered the general public access to, and participation in, scholarly interpretation of the past. We particularly encourage applications that explain how they wish to use their experience at the Institute to advance one or more of these goals in their own work.

The institute will begin with a week of formal training that will include both presentations and hands on exploration providing participants with a shared set of methods. Topics include an introduction to TEI XML and to corpus and computational linguistics, with an emphasis on applied structural markup and standoff linguistic annotation; exercises in representing written sources in digital form; morpho-syntactic analysis and markup, discourse structures and other categories of linguistic annotation; named entities, textual quotation, paraphrase, allusion, citations; the reinvention of existing reference works (such as lexica, grammars, and editions) and the rise of born-digital knowledge bases (such as treebanks).

More information

VII Jornadas hispano-portuguesas de Historia Medieval: La Península Ibérica en el tiempo de las Navas de Tolosa.

27-29 septiembre 2012.

La reunión científica de la Sociedad Española de Estudios Medievales en 2012 toma como punto de referencia un importante acontecimiento, la batalla de Las Navas de Tolosa que tuvo lugar el 16 de julio de 1212, sumándose así a las distintas conmemoraciones en torno al 8º Centenario que se han celebrar a propósito de este evento. La batalla se produjo en el reinado de Alfonso VIII de Castilla (1158-1214) con la participación de contingentes militares de distintos reinos hispánicos y en una campaña que contó inicialmente con la presencia de cruzados ultrapireinaicos. Puede ser discutido en qué medida fuera un acontecimiento decisivo, si realmente constituye el inicio las grandes conquistas de los decenios siguientes, que como bien sabemos no sólo afectaron a Castilla, sino también a León, Portugal y Aragón-Cataluña.
Nuestro objetivo no es tanto limitarse a este suceso y los aspectos más directa y concretamente relacionados con él y que tocan a la historia militar, sino estudiar la época (aproximadamente 1170-1250) que sirve de gran contexto histórico a la batalla, mediante el análisis de fenómenos generales como la guerra o las formaciones políticas e instituciones entre las que se desenvuelve. El estudio de los distintos reinos cristianos del período y sus relaciones entre sí, la contraposición de éstos con el mundo islámico representado por el Imperio Almohade y al-Andalus, o el papel del Papado y de las Ordenes Militares.

PONENCIAS (programa provisional)

Aspectos generales:
1. La Guerra y la batalla de las Navas: Francisco GARCÍA FITZ, PT Universidad de Extremadura.
2. Alfonso VIII y las Órdenes Militares: Carlos DE AYALA MARTÍNEZ, CU Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Corona de Castilla:
3. Los reinos de León y Castilla. La unión de 1230: Pascual MARTÍNEZ SOPENA, CU Universidad de Valladolid.
4. Conquistas y repoblación bajo Fernando III: Manuel GONZÁLEZ JIMÉNEZ, CU Universidad de Sevilla.
5. Las relaciones exteriores (particularmente ultrapirenaicas): Carlos ESTEPA DÍEZ, PI CSIC-CCHS-IH (Madrid).

Corona de Aragón:
6. Aragón-Cataluña en torno a 1213: Carlos LALIENA CORBERA, CU Universidad de Zaragoza.
7. Conquistas y repoblación bajo Jaime I: Enric GUINOT RODRÍGUEZ, CU Universidad de Valencia.

Reino de Navarra:
8. Eloísa RAMÍREZ VAQUERO, CU Universidad Pública de Navarra

Imperio Almohade:
9. Maribel FIERRO, PI CSIC-CCHS-ILC (Madrid)

Portugal ss. XII-XIII:
10. Um Portugal em construção: a rede concelhia dos séculos XII e XIII. Maria Helena DA CRUZ COELHO. CU Universidad de Coimbra.
11. Portugal. a guerra e a batalha de La Navas. Miguel GOMES MARTINS. Técnico Superior do Arquivo Histórico da Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
12. 1212 e Afonso II: a construção de um rei. Hermínia VILAR. Professora Associada com Agregação da Universidade de Évora.

Admisión de comunicaciones hasta el 30 de abril de 2012.

Más información.

Nueva fuente para medievalistas.

After careful consideration, Brill has taken the initiative of designing a typeface. Named “the Brill”, it presents complete coverage of the Latin script with the full range of diacritics and linguistics (IPA) characters used to display any language from any period correctly, and Greek and Cyrillic are also covered. There are over 5,100 characters in all. This indispensable tool for scholars will become freely available later this year for non-commercial use. You will be able to download the font package after agreeing to the End User License Agreement. “The Brill” is available in roman, italic, bold, and bold italic, with all necessary punctuation marks and a wide assortment of symbols. It will be especially welcomed by humanities scholars quoting from texts in any language, ancient or modern. “The Brill” complies with all international standards, including Unicode. John Hudson of Tiro Typeworks, well-known for his multilingual fonts, is the Brill’s designer.

Más información.

Colloque international "Les Cisterciens et la transmission des textes (XIIe – XVIIIe s.)": appel à communication.

Proposals are invited for the international conference Cistercians and the transmission of texts (12th-18th c.), on the role of Cistercian abbeys and their book collections in the history of text transmission, organized as part of the Biblifram research project at the Médiathèque du Grand Troyes (22-24 Nov. 2012).

(deadline 15 April 2012)

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
• Typology and form of transmitted texts: secular literature (Classical literature, history, law, fiction, medicine) or religious works (Church Fathers, liturgy); prose or poetry
• A comparative approach to Cistercians and other religious orders
• Book production and organization (libraries and chanceries, book inventories of Cistercian abbeys, place and role of printed books)
• Cistercians and studies (relations to University, scholarly undertakings within the Cistercian order)
Papers on Cistercian manuscripts and libraries from the 13th c. onwards, covering the late Middle Ages or the early modern period, will be welcome, as the Order’s historical studies tend to give less attention to these time periods.

Papers, of 40 minutes, will be preferably given in French (if not, a substantial abstract or a French translation will be made available to the public). A session with smaller papers (20 minutes) will be organized to present case studies (e.g. Cistercian transmission of a unique text). Proposals should mention for which category the paper is presented.

To propose a paper, please send a brief abstract (3000 characters max. + name and affiliation) to Biblifram coordinator Anne-Marie Turcan-Verkerk (anne-marie.turcan [at] The deadline for receipt of submissions is 15 April 2012.

Fuente: APILIST.

VIII Semana de Estudios Alfonsíes: Los manuscritos de las Cantigas de Santa María de Alfonso X. Origen y evolución del proyecto regio.

El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz).
19-20 abril 2012.



16:15. Presentación de la Semana.
16.30. DRA. ELVIRA FIDALGO (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela):
Las Cantigas de Santa María en el contexto de la escuela poética gallego-portuguesa.
17.30. DR. MANUEL PEDRO FERREIRA (Universidade Nova de Lisboa):
Música y notación musical de las cantigas de Santa María.
18.30. Descanso.
19.00. Dra. ROCÍO SÁNCHEZ AMEIJEIRAS (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela):
Fuentes iconográficas y lenguaje visual del cancionero alfonsí.
20:00. Debate.


16:30. DRA. LAURA FERNÁNDEZ FERNÁNDEZ (Universidad Complutense de Madrid):
Los manuscritos de las Cantigas de Santa María: definición material de un proyecto regio.
17:30. DRA. ELISA RUIZ GARCÍA (Universidad Complutense de Madrid):
Escribir para el Rey. Paleografía de los manuscritos de las Cantigas de Santa María.
18:30. Descanso.
19.00. DRA. MARÍA VICTORIA CHICO PICAZA (Universidad Complutense de Madrid):
Composición y estilo pictórico en las Cantigas de Santa María.
20.00. Debate.


10:00. Dr. José Luis CASADO SOTO (Museo Marítimo del Cantábrico):
Hombres de mar y barcos en tiempos de las Cantigas de Santa María.
11:00. Dr. JUAN CARLOS RUIZ SOUZA (Universidad Complutense de Madrid):
Arquitectura real, efímera e imaginaria a través de las Cantigas de Santa María.
12:00. Descanso.
12:30. Debate.
13:00. Conclusiones y clausura.


Más información.